
2nd Annual Antimicrobial Resistance and Gut Health
June 15, 2018

Abstract Guide

Confirmed speakers include:

Phillip Hylemon, Virginia Commonwealth School of Medicine




Jonathan Monk, University of California San Diego



Ken Blount, CSO of Rebiotix who will be speaking on Harnessing the Power of the Microbiome to Revolutionize Treatment of Disease: Phase II & III Trials for Recurrent C. difficile.

Additionally, the Symposium will feature several local speakers with expertise in infectious disease and antimicrobial resistance with strong focus on C. difficile research (though not limited to C. diff research).

If you would like to register for the Workshop: Building and Using Genome-scale Models of Metabolism to study Microbial Pathogens, please forward Dawn Koob the confirmation of registration for this symposium. The workshop registration is limited to 20 people, in order of emails received.