Now Available!

Drawing on his own experience launching and scaling multiple companies, New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen shares the secrets of how you can shift your mindset (and your workload) to focus on the things that are most important for your business, your employees, and you.

With the rise of remote work, the gig economy, AI, and social media, the boundaries between work and home are dissolving, leaving workplace leaders with less time for themselves than ever before. Featuring real-life examples and prompts for goal setting, Get Over Yourself is a blueprint to help readers become master delegators by learning how to:

  • Embrace delegation as a strategy for long-term growth and success

  • Avoid common challenges faced by small business owners and corporate leaders

  • Navigate the changing work landscape, including remote work, hybrid work, ChatGPT, and the gig economy

  • Choose the right people for your team and encourage a workplace of trust and autonomy

  • Create a healthy, sustainable work-life balance in today’s dynamic work environment

  • Build a business that serves your life, not a life that serves your business

See What Others Are Saying

“Delegation is one of the most important lessons every leader must learn. Get Over Yourself maps out how to build a loyal and self-sufficient team so that you can focus your energy on the big picture without burning out.”

Barbara Corcoran, Founder of The Corcoran Group & Shark on Shark Tank

“Get Over Yourself is a game changer. Now, for the first time, there is a blueprint on how to grow an enduring business by delegating the right way. This book will inspire you to dream bigger, think differently and most importantly, give you the action steps to gain freedom in your life.”

Jesse Cole, Owner, Savannah Bananas & Bestselling Author, Fans First

“Delegation is one of the hardest lessons a new leader must learn. Get Over Yourself maps out how to cultivate and support a team that is trustworthy and self-sufficient, so that you can focus on the big picture without burning out.”

Pat Flynn, Co-founder of SPI Media & Author of Bestselling books Superfans and Will It Fly

“Dave Kerpen is one of the smartest people I know when it comes to business strategy and creating a good life. The tips in this book have helped me tremendously. By using them, I had enough time to write this endorsement and also watch two episodes of "Lincoln Lawyer!"

A.J. Jacobs, author of NYT bestseller The Year of Living Biblically, The Puzzler

“A must-read for business owners and other leaders! Dave Kerpen offers a practical model for delegating, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and assembling a smart and capable team in any modern business setting.”

Dorie Clark, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Long Game and executive education faculty, Columbia Business School

How well do you delegate?