Poems About May

poems about may

Poems About May

May is one of the most enigmatic months, so it’s no wonder that so many great poems have been written about this month. Depending on where you live, May teeters between Spring and Summer. Because of this, it usually gets the best of both worlds. Poems about spring, poems about summer, poems about beauty. May Poems have it all.

Why May Poems?

Any month technically has its own unique attributes, but May perhaps has the most. May flowers have long been a cornerstone for nature poets throughout history. Additionally, when reading poems about certain months of the year, we get to see how each poet gives their own unique spin on the month. We get to see what it means to them individually.

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Wine Poems

wine poems

Wine Poems

Wine poems are some of the most relatable poems to read. Who doesn’t love a cup of wine every now and then? Certainly these poets have an appreciation. Pablo Neruda, Ted Kooser, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and many others have written about wine. We even feature a poem from Li Po written in 700 C.E. Wine poems are fun and timeless.

Why Wine Poems?

I think there is something so relatable to reading a wine poem. Drinking wine with your friends or having a single glass after a particularly long or hard day can remind you to take a moment and appreciate your life. Wine poems celebrate a lust for life, a desire for the finer things, a desire for friendship and camaraderie. Enjoy this small collection of wine poems!

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Poems About Twilight

poems about twilight

Poems About Twilight

Twilight holds a special allure in poetry, often serving as a metaphor for transition, transformation, and the liminal space between day and night. Poems about twilight are also filled with beautiful imagery and amazing opportunity for self reflection. These mysterious, liminal spaces are where poems about twilight thrive.

Why Poems About Twilight?

Twilight poems are some of my favorite to write. I still can’t quite figure out the difference between dusk and twilight, but who really cares right? This time of day is ripe with unbelievable mystery and beauty. All that being said, I tried to find the best collection of poems about twilight specifically for this article. I hope that you enjoy reading these twilight poems!

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Sunset Poems

sunset poems

Sunset Poems

Sunset poems, and poetry about sunsets in general, can vary wildly in content. The beauty of poetry lies in the poet’s ability to make the reader see the world in a brand new way. Sunset poems by various authors give us a peek into how those poets see the world. Their sunset poetry is always beautiful, but uniquely theirs.

Poetry About Sunsets

Sunsets have to be one of the single most photographed things in the world. For good reason, too. They happen every day with astounding beauty. Here is a small collection of sunset poetry that is just as memorable as the sunset itself. We hope you enjoy reading these poems about the sunset!

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