Quaker Camping

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  Quaker Summer Sleep-Away Opportunities for Kids

Most Friends Camps are affordable and provide a range of activities.

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Camps

For families who seek over-night Friends summer camp for 6, 7, and 8 year-olds.

Five Friends' camps (on the US East Coast) fill the need.  Registration for some begin in early December and camps can fill up in hours.

Those camps include:

3 Camps have a farm focus: Celo, Journey’s End Farm, and Tamarack Farm.

Farm and Wilderness has 5 overnight camps, Vermont

Two Camps devoted to the Performing Arts

More camps that are non-profits, or connected to Yearly Meetings

Friends Camps with a Christian Focus

Camps owned by individual Friends that are grounded in Quaker values

Other Opportunities for kids of ALL ages:

  • Friend General Conference. Yearly Gathering. http://www.fgcquaker.org/connect/gathering
  • Many residential Yearly Meeting Gatherings are fabulous places for kids to attend. Kids from birth to 8th grade are free at Baltimore Yearly Meeting's Annual Session.
  • Some Yearly Meetings have quarterly High School and Middle School conferences.
  • Many Friends Schools host summer day camps.
  • Many Friends camps also have family camps and work camps.