Using the Translator facility

The Translator facility allows you to view translations for words used in your document. The range of languages into which you can translate words is extensive and includes French, Spanish, German and Italian.

You must be online in order to use the Translator facility.

To view a translation for text in your document, you:

  1. Highlight the word, sentence or paragraph you want to translate.
  2. Click on the button on the Read&Write toolbar.

    The Language selector is displayed.

  3. Select the language in which your document is written, and then select the language to which you want it translated.
  4. Click on the Translate button.

The translated text is displayed in your default Internet browser.

Single word translations into French, German, Spanish or Italian can be read by the software by hovering your mouse over it.

Paragraph translations into French, German, Spanish or Italian can be read by the software by clicking on the speak button that will appear beside it.


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