Flawed Science Advice for Obama?

Does being spectacularly wrong about a major issue in your field of expertise hurt your chances of becoming the presidential science advisor? Apparently not, judging by reports from DotEarth and ScienceInsider that Barack Obama will name John P. Holdren as his science advisor on Saturday. [UPDATE: Mr. Obama did indeed pick Dr. Holdren.]

Dr. Holdren, now a physicist at Harvard, was one of the experts in natural resources whom Paul Ehrlich enlisted in his famous bet against the economist Julian Simon during the “energy crisis” of the 1980s. Dr. Simon, who disagreed with environmentalists’ predictions of a new “age of scarcity” of natural resources, offered to bet that any natural resource would be cheaper at any date in the future. Dr. Ehrlich accepted the challenge and asked Dr. Holdren, then the co-director of the graduate program in energy and
resources at the University of California, Berkeley, and another Berkeley professor, John Harte, for help in choosing which resources would become scarce.

In 1980 Dr. Holdren helped select five metals — chrome, copper, nickel, tin and tungsten — and joined Dr. Ehrlich and Dr. Harte in betting $1,000 that those metals would be more expensive ten years later. They turned out to be wrong on all five metals, and had to pay up when the bet came due in 1990.

Now, you could argue that anyone’s entitled to a mistake, and that mistakes can be valuable if people learn to become open to ideas that conflict with their preconceptions and ideology. That could be a useful skill in an advisor who’s supposed to be presenting the president with a wide range of views. Someone who’d seen how wrong environmentalists had been in ridiculing Dr. Simon’s predictions could, in theory, become more open to dissent from today’s environmentalist orthodoxy. But I haven’t seen much evidence of such open-mindedness in Dr. Holdren.

Consider what happened when a successor to Dr. Simon, Bjorn Lomborg, published “The Skeptical Environmentalist” in 2001. Dr. Holdren joined in an an extraordinary attack on the book in Scientific American — an attack that I thought did far more harm to the magazine’s reputation than to Dr. Lomborg’s. The Economist called the critique “strong on contempt and sneering, but weak on substance”; Dr. Lomborg’s defenders said the critics made more mistakes in 11 pages than they were able to find in his 540-page book. (You can read Dr. Lomborg’s rebuttal here.) In an earlier post, I wrote about Dr. Holdren’s critique of the chapter on energy, in which Dr. Lomborg reviewed the history of energy scares and predicted there would not be dire shortages in the future:

Dr. Holdren began his critique by complaining that Dr. Lomborg was “asking the wrong question” because environmentalists had known for decades that there was no danger of energy being in short supply. This struck me as as odd bit of revisionist history, given both the “energy crisis” rhetoric of the 1970s and Dr. Holdren’s own bet that resources would become more scarce. Then, in the rest of the critique, Dr. Holdren faulted Dr. Lomborg for not paying enough attention to the reasons that there could be future problems with energy supplies.

Dr. Holdren’s resistance to dissenting views was also on display earlier this year in an article asserting that climate skeptics are “dangerous.” (You can read about the response to that article at DotEarth.)

Dr. Holdren is certainly entitled to his views, but what concerns me is his tendency to conflate the science of climate change with prescriptions to cut greenhouse emissions. Even if most climate scientists agree on the anthropogenic causes of global warming, that doesn’t imply that the best way to deal with the problem is through drastic cuts in greenhouse emissions. There are other ways to cope, and there’s no “scientific consensus” on which path looks best.

Roger A. Pielke Jr., a professor of environmental studies at the University of Colorado and the author of “The Honest Broker: Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics,” discussed Dr. Holdren’s conflation of science and politics in a post on the Prometheus blog:

The notion that science tells us what to do leads Holdren to appeal to authority to suggest that not only are his scientific views correct, but because his scientific views are correct, then so too are his political views.

AT the Reason Hit & Run blog, Ronald Bailey reviews some of Dr. Holdren’s work and notes that in a 1995 essay, he and his coauthors (Gretchen C. Daily and Dr. Ehrlich) “acknowledge ecological ignorance about the principles of economics, but don’t express any urgency in learning about them.”

At OpenMarket.org, the Competitive Enterprise Institute blog, Chris Horner criticizes the reported Holdren appointment and suggests that Dr. Holdren got in to the National Academy of Sciences through a “back door.”

What kind of White House science advisor you think Dr. Holdren would make?

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He will make a disastrous adviser.

But the anthropogenic global warming religion will soon be discredited, and the true believers will find their next new religion, so the damage he does may be in some other field.

I am thrilled by this appointment. It’s about time that policy became subject to science, rather than the other way around. We haven’t much time left to head off the climate tipping points happening before our eyes. Holdren brings an ability to clearly communicate that is sorely needed both in DC and the public.


“At OpenMarket, the Competitive Enterprise Institute blog, Chris Horner criticizes the reported Holdren appointment and suggests that Dr. Holdren got in to the National Academy of Sciences through a “back door.”

What kind of White House science advisor you think Dr. Holdren would make?”

Nice journalism. Just throw a bit of unsubstantiated nonsense in at the end and then ask what sort of advisor Dr. Holdren might make.

My question is, “what sort of push poll do think this column would make?”

I can quite readily see why you opted for a career in journalism over science.

I might add that your rambling prose makes me wonder what sort of “back door” was opened for you at the NY Times.

Justin Coffey

If Barack can live with Rubin and Summers, Holdren should be a piece of cake.

Tierney basically raises issues of intellectual integrity when it serves his ideological perspective. Not too many articles about profit and/or politics trumping science, as has happened quite often over the past few years – just tongue-clucking over those stupid hippies letting their dogmatism overshadow the usefulness of DDT. Not sure why the Times prints this – shouldn’t this be in the Op-Ed section?

PS bravo for publishing my comment. It might have been a bit rough :).

“Advisor,” is a strange word when used with something as specific as science. The good news is that if Holden is as biased of his own brilliance as you seem to feel, there are lots of other scientists who WILL make themselves known. Maybe Obama owes Holden an election bet. God knows, I think the PE made a mistake having Warren praying to his little, tiny, biased god! But where the religious community is rather timid in storming the White House, the scientific community has shown no such reluctance in the 73 years I’ve been alive. From Einstein to those upset with oil drilling in Utah, they have made themselves known and heard. And, Obama is not going to be sealed in a Bush bubble. Sweat not (yet!)

Well, he was wrong on the bet, but, hey, this administration will be the most inclusive in history. ALL viewpoints are invited on board, my friends. That’s the American way! Maybe the erring scientist can seek ablution for his miscalculations from Rick Warren–especially if he’s gay.

>>>In 1980 Dr. Holdren helped select five metals — chrome, copper, nickel, tin and tungsten — and joined Dr. Ehrlich and Dr. Harte in betting $1,000 that those metals would be cheaper ten years later.< << Is that a typo? Since Holdren et al. predicted increasing scarcity, wouldn't they have bet that the metals would be more expensive in the future? John: Thanks for catching that mistake. Yes, I meant to say that they were betting that the metals would become scarcer and therefore more expensive. I’ve fixed it so that it’s now correct.

The story is too complicated for me to consider it. Is Dr. Holdren one of the green fanatics who would ban all sources of energy except, perhaps solar (wind turbines kill birds!) and geothermal that, alas, is abundant only in Iceland? It looks that way. Just today the Times report that during the waning days of Bush’s presidency the EPA wants to abandon its authority to regulate carbon dioxide emission.

So, we have possibly two extremes to work with. Will Obama be able to handle all that with a cool head he has shown so far?

We expect too much of him – the disappointment with the Bushes and to a great extent with Clinton has been too great.

As I see it, if this appointment will be balanced by another more ‘middle-of-the-road’ appointments for the truly executive part of his administration, we may just fine.

PJ may be thrilled but the only rational response is to wait and see what is going to happen.

After some 15 years in academia I have met many scientists – fully qualified but too full of themselves. Not a pleasant company, quite frequently.

The “bet” on the future prices of metals is not a measure of science knowledge or anything else. Beating on the future price of metals is an investment decision called speculation.

President-elect Obama and his team are working on the assumption that the culture wars are over. Whether your talking about Dr. Holdren or the invocation speaker at the inauguration; whether you are talking about value voters or trying to control the climate debate by saying there’s no “scientific consensus.”

I don’t know Dr. Holdren or what kind of science advisor he would make. I have confidence that the new administration isn’t going to put up with him very long if he attempts to give economic advice when he’s hired to focus on science. All of your examples focus on his lack of economic knowledge and skills.

I’m with 4. So this guy’s a stubborn orthodox conservasionist. Big deal. Summers’ work gives me something to actually be afraid of.

Frankly, I’m certain that anyone who got to be a full professor at Harvard is more than well-enough qualified to advise the president on these issues. He’s an adviser, not a policy maker. Obama is, unlike certain other presidents, smart enough to know that science is complicated and that policy requires competing interests and compromise.

If he’s open to new ideas and willing to actually read the science in context (versus say, Bjorn Lomborg, Chris Horner, or any of the other Exxon-funded eco-chamber) then he’ll make a fine adviser so long as the president actually has a use for scientific information.

A great advisor is useless if the policy drives itself, as has happened disasterously over the past eight years on global warming and energy.

…An awesome one.

President Obama is going to need advisors who can find reasonable, pragmatic approaches to deal with global warming, one of several high priorities for his administration (and by no means the highest). The approach that we’ve seen in Europe is to make extravagent promises of greenhouse gas emission reductions far into the future, with lots of loopholes and delays so that no pain will be felt during the terms of the politicians who sign up to the emission reduction pledge.

If Obama is going to show some leadership on this issue, he will enact legislation that has tangible effects immediately, that has short term as well as long term goals, and which presents us with the political pain that he calculates we are prepared to take immediately. I would suggest a carbon tax of $25-$40/ton of CO2, increasing annually by $1 per ton for the next 100 years, would show real courage and leadership, and shame those European blowhards who have little but the hot air of their own speeches to show for a decade of so-called leadership on this issue. This has little to do with the science of the issue, or with science advisors. It has everything to do with politics, and political will.

Poznan was a joke, as is the EU 20/20/20 plan. If Copenhagen is to be anything but another joke, Obama needs to present a serious plan that takes effect quickly. No phony offsets, no CDM, no futures markets to enrich investment bankers, a nice simple carbon tax that encourages private investment in carbon emission reduction.

There’s never been any evidence that Obama knows anything about science so it’s not surprising that he picks as a science advisor somebody who’s main qualitifcation is at fast talking.

Careful what you yourself claim about the facts. Yes Simon won that famous bet, but they were betting on metals with the start point occurring during a spike in oil prices that drove up costs, and finished the bet during a recession which drove them down.

If you look at the price for those same metals over a slightly longer period of modern history, such as the 1950’s till the 1970’s just prior to the energy crisis, you’d find that the price did indeed rise over time. I wouldn’t call either side of that bet definitive.

What kind of science advisor [do] I think he will make? The excellent kind. Your main criticism is that he was unable to predict the price of chrome ten years in the future. Your secondary criticism seems to be that he has been involved in science policy debates, and that he had opponents in those debates. With detractors like you, who needs supporters?

If you think only a global warming skeptic should be named science advisor, then you should just come right out and say that.

holdren’s political activism could conflict with the unbiased dissemination of scientific truth.

NEWSFLASH – Oil, Water and Food – basic resources becoming increasingly scarce.

When did the New York Times become soapbox to political propaganda?

“Dr. Holdren is certainly entitled to his views, but what concerns me is his tendency to conflate the science of climate change with prescriptions to cut greenhouse emissions. Even if most climate scientists agree on the anthropogenic causes of global warming, that doesn’t imply that the best way to deal with the problem is through drastic cuts in greenhouse emissions. There are other ways to cope, and there’s no “scientific consensus” on which path looks best.”

The science on this, while not particularly well-established, certainly indicates a strong need for the reduction of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide being one of them. . . .

I’m appalled the New York Times still publishes this kind of thing. How dare a physicist lose a bet to an economist? As if economists have never been wrong about the fluctuations in prices of various commodities. How dare he describe “climate skeptics” as “dangerous”? As if the spread of misinformation about climate change to less-than-expert audiences does nothing to reverse public support for needed political solutions to global warming trends. Look! A few libertarian/conservative think tanks/magazines think Dr. Holdren’s scientific credentials are bogus! As if such outlets have no interest in increasing public skepticism towards the scientific consensus regarding climate change. Not impressed by those ‘authorities’? How about a professor from the University of Colorado, who has issues with Dr. Holdren’s political views? Well, maybe Dr. Holdren does conflate the real science of climate change with his views about appropriate political solutions — I wouldn’t know. But the kind of criticism our friend from Colorado makes is one all too common to attempts to discredit the proclamations of one’s political adversaries. John Tierney makes no effort to substantiate this criticism, other than to note it, as it appears to advance his political agenda. Shame on the New York Times for giving this kind of hackery a platform.

I wonder why you do not give links to the “attack in Scientific American” and “Doctor Lomborg’s rebuttal,” but rather to posts DISCUSSING those two documents. You don’t trust your readers to form an accurate judgment pre-conditioned only by your own rhetoric? I found Dr. Lomborg’s arguments exactly as convincing as those of the champions of Intelligent Design, and for the same reasons.

As to what kind of an advisor Dr. Holdren will make, I am more influenced by the following from one of his former colleagues:
“John Holdren is one of those scientists whose passion for the importance of his work drives a determination to be certain that his work is correct, regardless of where the work leads. Despite the passion that drives his 80 hour work weeks, my experience with him at Harvard is that he was patient, gracious and wise. I am thrilled to see him have a leadership position in the Obama Administration. His findings and policies will not be driven by belief or ideology, but by considered judgement applied to the best possible science at the moment.”

John: No, I definitely trust readers to make their own judgements. I gave the link to Scientific American’s own page containing links to the original articles plus related material (some of which is available only to subscribers). And the link to Dr. Lomborg’s rebuttal leads you to both his rebuttal plus the original text in the Scientific American articles.

You neglect to mention that Holdren has been far from the only scientist who finds Lomborg’s Skeptical Environmentalist ridiculous: In 2003, the Danish Committee on Scientific Dishonesty ruled the book was “clearly contrary to the standards of good scientific practice” and that “there has been such perversion of the scientific message in the form of systematically biased representation that the objective criteria for upholding scientific dishonesty … have been met”