All Words > Zymurgy

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Part of speech: noun

Origin: Greek, mid 19th century


The study or practice of fermentation in brewing, winemaking, or distilling.

Examples of Zymurgy in a sentence

"Zach loved experimenting with new zymurgy techniques."

"The distillery offered zymurgy classes as part of its facility tour."

About Zymurgy

This word comes from the Greek “zymo-.” It combines a form of “zymē,” meaning "a leaven," and “-ourgia,” which means "a working." That comes from “ergon,” meaning "work."

Did you Know?

“Zymurgy” is the last word in many standard English dictionaries — but not all. The second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary ends with “zyxt,” (an obsolete version of the verb “to see”), and Century Dictionary ends with “zyxomma,” (a type of dragonfly).

illustration Zymurgy

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