About Us

Unite For Lives

We exist to prevent forced and pressured abortions by empowering women to choose life. Our goal is to establish loving and supportive communities that will walk alongside women in the early stages of motherhood. We believe that community is the key to inspire a woman to feel capable, confident, and empowered to choose life for her baby - no matter what her circumstances may be! There are many resources throughout communities that can be utilized to help women be free to make their own decisions and not fall victim to the pressure from people or circumstances. We strive to educate communities on the negative emotional impact of abortion, and to offer love, guidance, and support to empower women to choose life!

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Our Mission

To prevent forced and pressured abortions by empowering women to choose life!

Our Vision

To establish loving and supportive communities across the nation that will empower women to choose life, and to provide education to communities about the tragic emotional impacts' abortions can have on women.  

What We Do?

We’re On A Mission To
Support Women

Many women having abortions are feeling pressured to do so. Let's alleviate that pressure and unite for the lives of mothers and babies everywhere!

Did you know?

Nearly 75% of women reported that they felt pressure from others to abort their baby. Women are choosing abortions to make others happy and are left to live with the trauma that brings. 

66% of Women

Reported that they knew in their hearts that they were making a mistake when they underwent the abortion. These findings show us that over half of women having abortions do not want to. 

The Power of Community

By offering women who are feeling pressured to have an abortion with free practical and emotional support during the postpartum stage, we hope to alleviate the pressure she feels and inspire her to be confident and free to choose life for her baby. 

Our Services

Our volunteers offer their time to support Mama's with services including but not limited to cooking, light housework, running errands, and helping care for the baby while Mama rests. We also connect women to various resources in her community depending on her specific needs. 

The link below is the study referenced in the above percentages. This study also examines the unfortunate negative emotional impacts that abortions have on women. Please consider reading this study to understand how critical the work of UFL is!  https://www.jpbrands.org/vol22no4/coleman.pdf

How Can You Help?

Your donation or volunteering your time with us will help us empower women to keep their babies and save innocent lives in your community!