Fix it, Gov. Scott

Times-Union Editorial Board

Dear Gov. Rick Scott,

It's time to throw in the towel on this one.

You missed — and you missed big.

You can quibble about the letter of the law if you want.

But if you step back and take a deep breath, you'll admit you made a bad, bad decision.

We're talking about the appointment of Terrance Freeman as a temporary replacement for City Council, District 10.

Simple question, governor: Where does Freeman live?

Well, he claims that he resides in District 10 since he's rented two rooms of a residence in that district just in time for the appointment.

Oh. OK.

At best, then, Freeman is merely a new arrival to District 10.

C'mon, governor.

How stupid do you think we all are?

You wanted fellow Republican Freeman at all cost in that District 10 seat, so you took a chance.

Well, we're offended.

Let's go on record to point out that this newspaper has endorsed far more Republican candidates than Democrats over recent years — including YOU, Gov. Scott, during your 2014 re-election campaign.

But, dude, you got a little ridiculous with this latest move.

Will it play out as legal, as answering the letter of the law?

Perhaps. Perhaps not.

But that is not even the point.

What you did is wrong-headed.

We all know that.

Brenda Priestly Jackson sure knows that — she's suing you.

And we say, "Bravo!" to her.

Jackson, a former Duval County School Board member, was among those who slammed you and Mayor Lenny Curry for this bizarre appointment.

Why bizarre? It’s simple: the appointed representative has not been living in District 10.

Many of us in this country are sick and tired of party politics holding sway over common sense and civility.

But you, governor, fell right into a trap.  You chose your political party over your common sense.

You knew when you appointed Freeman that many District 10 residents would view it as a gesture of disrespect, since the district has historically been a predominantly Democratic one.

Then to make matters worse, your fellow GOPers — the Republican Party of Duval County — actually issued this statement: "We urge Democrat Party Chairman Lisa King to end her partisan attacks on Councilman Freeman and instead focus on keeping her own elected officials from becoming felons.''


Who in the county GOP headquarters crafted that beauty?

We can only guess that some brilliant party "strategist" called a meeting and said, "Hey, folks, I've got a great idea! Let's put out a statement with a gratuitous cheap shot in it. Let's attempt to divert the discussion to Democrats who were removed from office. In other words, let's do everything except right the obvious wrong at hand here!"

And that no one else in the meeting had the temerity to speak up and say, "That's a dumb idea."

So if it helps, governor, you can take comfort in the fact that the Duval County Republicans swung and missed on this just as badly as you did.

Look, we don't argue with your original decision to remove Katrina Brown and Reggie Brown, both currently under indictment, from their council seats.

That was the right call.

But now it’s time, governor, to face up to your utterly wrong call in appointing Freeman to one of those seats.

Own up to it. And fix it.

It's not like it would be that complicated to do.

Just name someone to the District 10 City Council seat, Gov. Scott, who actually LIVES in District 10.


Your self-inflicted mess disappears just like that.

It would truly be refreshing to see someone like you, governor — someone who wields considerable power and status — admit a mistake and make it right.

And if you don't, we'll bet that some of us will remember it as you seek to unseat Sen. Bill Nelson in November.

Let's mince no words here, governor:

You stepped in it. It's time to step out of it.



The Florida Times-Union