Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day! We celebrate you today! Make sure you do something just for you! For those who find this day difficult, I pray that God provides you with what you seek.

Photo: Canva

If you haven’t already, I invite you to read my YouVersion devotional plan called Merciful Moments for M.O.M.S for encouragement.



God’s Mercy Matters

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV)

Happy Friday! I pray you’ve had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend! As we close the end of April and start May, I encourage you to find one thing that you can celebrate and praise God for! This month, I’m celebrating my first devotional, Merciful Moments for M.O.M.S being on the YouVersion Bible App.

Giving God praise for all things big and small is so important, as we continue to worship and stay connected with Him.

God’s mercies are new every morning and God’s mercy matters.

Whatever season you may find yourself in today, I invite you to allow God’s new mercies to refresh, revive and strengthen you.

Receiving God’s new mercies looks like…

  • Celebrating a small step you accomplished in a big project instead of beating yourself up for not fully completing it.
  • Giving yourself more grace when your day or things don’t go according to plan
  • Asking God for forgiveness and not condemning yourself for mistakes made
  • Being more present and enjoying meaningful moments with family and friends

Let’s God’s new mercies renew your mind and restore your heart today.

RESPOND: What are you celebrating today and how will you receive God’s new mercies more? I would love to hear from you!

If you haven’t already, I invite you to read my YouVersion plan and let me know how it has encouraged you! You don’t have to be a Mom to read and enjoy the plan! We can all use an extra dose of God’s mercy. Thanks so much to those who have already read the plan, and been blessed. Until next time, enjoy your weekend!



Exciting Announcement!

Hi Everyone,

I hope your week is going well! I wanted to share an exciting announcement today with you. I am grateful to God and honored to share that I have a new 5 day devotional plan on the YouVersion Bible App. It’s called Merciful Moments for M.O.M.S.

Using the M.O.M.S acronym, I empower you to lay down your ideals, plans and perfectionism at Jesus’ feet, and pick up a new perspective, grateful heart, and courage to move forward each day as a mama!

If you are a Mom, for the next five days, I invite you to read this encouraging plan and let me know your feedback!

Photo Credit: Canva

Over the new few weeks, I will be sharing more about the plan including some topics that are covered, and talk with some other moms about how we can begin to receive God’s mercy more.

Thank you for reading and I’ll talk with you soon!



Want to stay connected?

Connect with me on IG @kirstynsmayden or Pinterest at http://www.pinterest.com/kirstynsmayden

Look for the Father

"Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him." 
(Mark 16:6 NIV)

“Where’s Daddy?” Every morning, when my daughter wakes up, she asks for her Daddy. I watch her walk from room to room searching for him. As her sleepy eyes fully wake up and she sees her Daddy, she becomes more settled. In her three year old mind, all is right in her world and she can start her day. I love the relationship she has with her Dad, and that she is determined to connect with him.

Just like my daughter searches for her earthly Father, God desires for us to look for Him, our Heavenly Father. After Jesus’ death, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome were looking for Jesus’ body and they were disappointed when he wasn’t there. But praise God that Christ rose for you and I!

As we celebrate Resurrection Sunday this weekend, I invite you to look for the Father with a fresh set of eyes and renewed focus.

Photo Credit: Canva
  • Look for the Father in both quiet time and the busyness of life.
  • Look for the Father in a still small voice and a loud one.
  • Look for the Father in the beauty of nature and through the questions of a child.
  • Look for the Father in the church pew and the grocery store.

When we look for God, our Heavenly Father, He openly welcomes us to come to Him with a childlike trust and grow in relationship with Him.

Happy Resurrection Sunday to you!



Action Question: How will you look for the Father in new and refreshing ways in your life? Let me know in the comments.

Prayer for Peace

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15 NIV

Dear God,

Thank you for Your peace that calms and strengthens us.

Where our hearts are hardened, we seek Your peace.

Where there is division and discord, we seek Your peace.

Where there is war, may Your peace cover and restore what has been broken.

When our minds are burdened and anxious, thank you for Your peace that renews us.

When we don’t know which way to go, thank you for Your peace that directs us.

When we are seeking wisdom, thank you for Your Word that guides us.

Please help us to receive Your peace for our hearts and lives.

Thank you for Your peace that is always available to us.

In Jesus’ Name,


Question: How have you experienced God’s peace in your life recently? I would love for you to share in the comments!



Christmas Video Greeting!


As we wind down 2021 and prepare to celebrate Christmas this week, I wanted to share a special video message with you! If you find this time of year difficult, please know that I am praying with and for you.

I invite you to watch this video and be blessed! I would love to hear from you how my blog has encouraged or uplifted you this year! Thank you for subscribing to my blog and I look forward to sharing more content and exciting things in 2022!

Christmas Message

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Video Collage: Canva

Question: How have the blog posts encouraged you this year? I would love to hear from you!



As always, if you want to stay connected with me, I invite you to follow me on

IG @kirstynsmayden or on Pinterest at http://www.pinterest.com/kirstynsmayden

The Greatest Gifts: Celebrating 3 of Christ’s Greatest Gifts that Money Can’t Buy

There are ten days left until Christmas and you may still have some shopping to do for those last-minute gifts. As we move closer to celebrating Christmas and Christ’s birth, I invite you to uplift and remember the greatest gifts that money can’t buy. While it is wonderful to give and bless others with tangible gifts, we know that the true reason of the season is to magnify the name of Jesus!

Here are 3 of Christ’s greatest gifts:

May we uplift and celebrate the hope, love, and salvation that is found in Jesus Christ!

Reflection Question: What gifts of Christ will you celebrate this season?

Merciful Moments Devotional Journal is a wonderful gift to give to someone who is looking for encouragement for the New Year! Available on Amazon!

Want to stay updated on future ministry projects? I invite you to follow me on IG at @kirstynsmayden or at http://www.pinterest.com/kirstynsmayden

Have a wonderful rest of the week!



Feeling Burned Out? 3 Ways to Help You Enjoy the Christmas Season More

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year is a classic song by Andy Williams that many sing every year, and it talks about the various fun festivities of the Christmas season. While I do enjoy this festive season, extended time to spend with loved ones, and celebrating Christ’s birth, I must admit that this time of year can be overwhelming too. My December calendar is filled with multiple ministry events, church services, holiday parties, gift exchanges, school activities for my daughter, and we are hosting Christmas dinner. Whew! I’m tired just thinking about it. LOL.

Sound familiar? During this time of the year, are you feeling overwhelmed with all that “needs” to get done?

God doesn’t want us to simply endure Christmas but enjoythewonder of Christ’s birth and this sacred season.

Photo by George Dolgikh @ Giftpundits.com on Pexels.com

Here are three ways to help you avoid burnout and enjoy the Christmas season more:

  1. Scale Down Your Schedule

I know, right? You’re probably thinking, this isn’t possible. If you are like me, you probably don’t want to miss out on anything and don’t have it in you to decline an invitation. Newsflash: You can’t be everywhere, and some events/festivities you will have to let go. Scaling down your schedule will help to minimize stress and give you the energy you need to be more fully present for the events and meaningful memories with those who are closest to you. For the things you do say yes to, you will not feel as rushed and your spirit can be more settled because you are more focused. Today, I invite you to scale down your schedule to make room for meaningful memories, decreased anxiety, and a greater enjoyment of the Christmas season.

2. Ask for Help

During this busy season, I invite you to ask for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but an act of wisdom. God has placed different people in your life to support you. If you are hosting family dinner, have a potluck style and ask your guests to each bring a dish to help you lighten the load. When putting up the Christmas tree or decorations, make it a family affair, or ask a friend to stop by and help. Asking for help not only lightens your load, but it helps you to strengthen important relationships and form community. ASK FOR HELP. You’ll be so glad you did!

3. Leave Perfectionism at the Door

In order to enjoy the Christmas season more, I encourage you to leave perfectionism at the door. If you don’t have the grandest Christmas light display, Christmas tree, or didn’t have time to send out Christmas cards, it is ok and give yourself permission to relax.

While we want to accomplish all the things, we often lose sight of what is most important: the gift of Christ’s birth, giving to those who are in need, and spending quality time with those who matter most.

God’s grace is sufficient and allow His grace to cover you and help you enjoy the greatest gifts of the Christmas season today.

Praying your Christmas season will be filled with less stress, lasting memories, and renewed gratefulness for the gift of Christ’s birth and this sacred season!

Reflection Question: How will you be intentional about enjoying this Christmas season more? Please leave in the comments.

Want to stay updated on future ministry projects and stay connected?

Follow me on IG @kirstynsmayden


Merciful Moments Devotional Series with Beloved Women

I hope your week is going well! I have some wonderful news to share!

I’m excited and grateful to share that I’ve partnered with Beloved Women for an upcoming Fall Devotional series of my book, “Merciful Moments” starting Monday, October 18th!

This will be a 27 day plan to learn practical strategies to get unstuck, overcome overwhelm, and embrace God’s grace and mercy daily with greater confidence.

There will be weekly discussion videos with my sis, friend, and Founder of Beloved Women Christina Patterson and reading assignments.

Will you join me? All you need to do is grab your copy from Amazon and sign up below to join this engaging series!

You don’t want to miss it!

I hope to see YOU there!

If you are going to sign up today for this upcoming devotional series, write signed up in the comments! Looking forward for you joining us!



Want to stay connected with future ministry projects?

Follow me on IG @ kirstynsmayden and Pinterest at http://www.pinterest.com/kirstynsmayden

Prayer of Reassurance: God is for You!

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” (Ephesians 6:10 NIV)

Dear God,

Thank you for always being for me.

During times when I don’t “feel” your presence, thank you for being an ever present help in times of trouble.

Thank you for reminding me that if You are for me, who can be against me?(Romans 8:31)

As I continue to move forward in the purposes that You have for me, thank you for leading and guiding me each day.

When opposition or difficulties come, may I seek Your word for strength, restoration, and reassurance.

Thank you for always being for me and having my best interest at heart.

In Jesus’ name,


Scriptures to Reassure that God is for You

  1. “What, then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)
  2. “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)
  3. “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Question for YOU: Can you share an example of how God is showing up for you in this season? Please share in the comments. Let’s celebrate together!

New Podcast Interview about Merciful Moments

Recently, I was a guest on Rooted and Overflowing Podcast with Letitia Evans. I shared a little about my writing and ministry journey as well as my new devotional, Merciful Moments: A Devotional Journal for Moving Forward with Each Day. I invite you to listen to the episode for encouragement and to learn more about me!

Order Your Copy Today!

Want to stay connected with me for future ministry projects?

Connect on IG @kirstynsmayden or http://www.pinterest.com/kirstynsmayden