A Fresh Approach to Conservation

People need healthy and abundant natural resources as the basis of just about everything - food, clean water and air, economic options and of course, beautiful places and experiences. Although the connections are not always obvious, humans depend on healthy nature. It cannot be taken for granted.

Climate change and unsustainable resource management practices are undermining those resources, around the West, and far beyond to almost every corner of the earth.

Conservation, restoration, and responsible use are not pie-in-the-sky. If done well and applied wisely, they can work.

But old school conservation methods won't get the job done. If old school worked, we wouldn't be still arguing over the same resource management issues that first came up in the 1970s.

New ideas. New tools. New information. New partners.

We're “New School.”

Give Monthly - Join the Wellspring Society

To run a sturdy nonprofit, one must be able to plan and execute projects over time, hire staff, and keep them and so many other things, all of which require a sturdy, continual supply of funding: a wellspring. 

Are you ready to be part of a bigger vision? A vision for the next seven generations?  The Wellspring Society is a monthly giving community that builds that bigger vision, member by member. Check it out now.

Feel comfortable that you can suspend, cancel, increase, decrease your contribution at any time by calling or emailing the Institute - the bottom of every page in our website has our contact information.

Thank you.