Women’s Health ☯︎ Fertility ☯︎ Pregnancy


This calling is primal and motivates women to move mountains in order to unite with their babies.

But sometimes the journey can be a rollercoaster of emotions that arise from endless doctor visits, pressure from family members, watching others easily get pregnant while you’re struggling, wondering if there’s anything else you could possibly do, and the list goes on…

This is the story of so many of our patients, and by using our protocols we have helped countless of these patients actualize their dream of uniting with their babies!

The Wholesome Lotus works with women and men to support their reproductive years. We also support all phases of reproduction, including pregnancy, postpartum and lactation support, and hormonal and menstrual cycle imbalances.

Our mission is to not only optimize your reproductive health but to see you thrive!

If you’d like to find out more, click the button below to schedule a call with one of our team members!

The Way of Fertility is now available ON AMAZON!




In-person and Virtual Consultations

We offer in-person and online consultations which include: DUTCH testing, fertility supplements and herbal consultation, diet recommendations, hormone balance, lifestyle, mindfulness exercises, and tele-hypnosis for optimal fertility health.


Praise for the Wholesome Lotus


“Michelle is the real deal. She knows exactly what fertility is and how to enhance it!”

- Dr. Christiane Northrup

NY Times Best-Selling author of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom“

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“the fertility journey can become confusing and heartbreaking. michelle is a powerful teacher and will help you discover the power you have to support your fertility”

- Jessica Ortner

NY Times Best-Selling author of “The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence” and Co-creator of the Tapping Solution App.


“Michelle is a brilliant practitioner who sees fertility holistically. She understands the western medical side and incorporates diet, supplements, lifestyle modifications, and emotional health. Michelle is intent on helping her clients get to their dream baby as soon as possible.”

- Aimee Raupp

Fertility Acupuncturist and Best-Selling author of “Yes, You Can Get Pregnant”, “Body Belief” ,“The Egg Quality Diet” and Michelle’s Mentor!

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You are not alone. Join my private Facebook group to connect with other women going through fertility challenges.


Boost Fertility the Wholesome Way

Trigger the Body’s Self-Healing Mechanisms to Boost Fertility

Fertility challenges are a common concern among women, affecting around 6.1 million or 10% of women of reproductive age (15 -44 years) in the US alone.

The diagnosis can feel defeating, but there are treatments available.

Boost your chances of a successful pregnancy with holistic fertility treatments!

The Wholesome Lotus – Promoting Womb Wellness through Holistic Healing

Whether you’re struggling to get pregnant or have trouble maintaining pregnancy, we can help.

The Wholesome Lotus fertility clinic in Miami Beach offers a range of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) therapies to help women address their fertility concerns using their body’s natural healing mechanisms. We use holistic fertility practices that employ the strong mind-body connection to improve overall well-being, which in turn positively impacts reproductive health.

The primary holistic healing methods that we use to boost fertility include:


Acupuncture is one of the most popular holistic fertility treatments. And for a good reason. Fertility acupuncture can help reduce stress, regulate hormones and ovulation, and improve blood supply to reproductive organs.

In addition to providing these general benefits, acupuncture for fertility can also help with several specific conditions. These include:

  • Acupuncture for egg quality

  • Acupuncture for endometriosis

  • Acupuncture for PCOS

  • Acupuncture for poor ovarian reserve

  • Acupuncture for advanced maternal age

  • Acupuncture for miscarriage

  • Celluma Laser Therapy for Fertility

Learn More About Our Fertility Acupuncture

Low-Level Laser Therapy

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a form of light therapy that uses red and near-infrared lights at a ‘low level’ to promote healing. It’s also called Cold Laser Therapy and is FDA-approved. Safe, quick, and painless, LLLT for fertility is beneficial for women struggling with:

  • Poor quality eggs due to PCOS or advanced age

  • Endometriosis

  • Recurrent abdominal infections

  • Thin uterine lining that hampers IVF

Low-Level Laser Therapy also works for women who do not respond to conventional fertility treatments, as well as those with a history of D and C or an abdominal surgery that’s interfering with their ability to conceive.

At The Wholesome Lotus, we use advanced Celluma Light Therapy to help our clients get the maximum benefits.

Relaxation Techniques

Stress cannot be the sole reason for fertility problems, but it can interfere with a woman’s ability to get pregnant. The consistently high levels of stress hormones in the body can disrupt ovulation, leading to irregular periods. Stress can also impact fertility by contributing to unhealthy lifestyles and added hardship. Therefore, stress relief is a key aspect of holistic fertility treatments.

We use various proven stress relief techniques, including meditation, yoga, and hypnosis, to promote relaxation and improve your chances of conceiving naturally.

We Also Educate Women on Fertility

We offer a fertility coaching program and a specialized seven-week fertility course to provide women with the knowledge, guidance, and support they need on their journey to improved health and wellness. This offering is customized for women who live far away and can’t come in person, or in-person patients who want to dive deeper into their wellness journey,

Learn More About Our Fertility Support Programs.

Schedule a Free Fertility Consultation Whether You’re Looking for Virtual Coaching or Come into Our Miami Beach Office Today!

The purpose of our fertility consultations is to help women struggling with infertility get on the right track of healing. They are offered for free and can be availed online.

The Wholesome Lotus’ free fertility consultations can help with assessing what options are best suited for you. In our call, we figure out if you would benefit from DUTCH testing, recommendations for fertility supplements, diet, exercise, acupuncture or any other measures you may need to take to improve fertility health and increase your chances of conception and successful pregnancy.

Contact Us Now to Schedule Your Free Consultation