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Weekly Wednesdays

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1 Aislibie Road, Lee, London SE12 8QH

Date & Time

Every Wednesday 6pm-9pm

Discussion Thursdays

*** CURRENTLY ON HIATUS *** Discussions Thursdays is where young adults can come and discussion social issues, politics, economics, employment, global affairs and more and how these things affect us today. We run discussion Thursdays twice a month and we welcome you to join us every time. *** CURRENTLY ON HIATUS ***

Date and time

Every last Thursday of the month

6pm - 9pm


Lewisham Youth and Community Centre, 138 Lewisham Way, London, SE14 6PD

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Latest Blog

Should the UK pay reparations?

As you may know, on August 1st 2015 the reparations march took place in London, United Kingdom. Thousands of people of African and Caribbean descent marched across the streets of London from Windrush Square right through to 10 Downing Street to demand justice for the effects that the transatlantic slave trade has had on our people over generations.

One of the interesting things about the so called abolition of slavery is that where the slave owners in Britain were paid off to let go of their slaves, our ancestors received nothing....

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