Montessori and Your Child

Montessori is for life.

Montessori extends far beyond the classroom. The approach to learning reaches into homes, families, communities, and the world at large. Montessori is for life.

Montessori places an emphasis on your child’s holistic development, seeing it as the key to her becoming a capable individual who will find internal fulfillment, professional productivity, and human connection throughout her life.

When you send your child to Montessori, you are helping to nurture his academic curiosity as well as responsibility; establish a steady moral compass; and encourage social-emotional intelligence that allows him to connect happily and productively with others.

The Montessori Method

The Montessori Method has been practiced in classrooms around the world for more than 100 years. It is trusted to provide children the caring assistance that helps them grow into adults who are self-motivated and love learning, think flexibly and creatively, are conscious of the needs of others, and actively foster harmony as they go through life. The Montessori environment offers intentional lessons in grace and courtesy—modeling appropriate, respectful manners that are demonstrated by teachers and practiced in small groups.

From the simple, loving interactions, and through lessons in practical skills and independence, Montessori students learn to take care of themselves and their environment and to be helpful to others. They wash tables, organize shelves, prepare their own meals, and assist younger children. In addition to mastering real-life skills, they come to see themselves as valued members of the community.

Additional academic rigor and an emphasis on group work in Elementary classes promote collaboration and community. And the complex, outward-facing activities such as service learning projects undertaken by adolescents in Secondary classrooms help students become empathetic, peaceful, resourceful, independent, and kind.

The entire cycle of Montessori education nurtures responsible, independent, and capable people who are active citizens in their classrooms and beyond.

Montessori learners recognize themselves as part of multiple communities—the community of the classroom, the community of the family, and the community of the wider world.

Montessori is for life.

Engaged Citizens

Let Montessori help your children become responsible, engaged citizens of the world.