Inspired by others around the world who are committing themselves to pray to God for their city, “Independence Prays” is a movement covering Independence, Missouri in prayer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are a non-exclusive, any-denominational, Jesus-centered, Faith-based prayer effort.

The city of Independence, Missouri, as all of America, is in dire need of God’s help.

The LORD is nigh [near] unto them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite [broken] spirit. ~ Psalms 34:18

Hopefully, we are all in mighty prayer at this time. If you have prayer groups with the church, friends, family, or even neighbors, or designated times to pray for certain concerns, we encourage you to continue them all! Please include the city of Independence Missouri in your prayers. Please consider joining other Independence resident-BELIEVERS as we endeavor to blanket this city in prayer 24/7.

We are asking believers who choose to do so, to commit to just 15 minutes each week in prayer to our Lord God on a certain weekday, at a certain hour for the year of 2021.

Our goal is to have prayer for our city reaching out to God 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

“Just 15 minutes a week, every week!”

Please consider including prayers for the 8 areas outlined below.

Prayer suggestions:

  1. Pray for the leaders of Independence.
    a. Mayor, City Council, City Manager, and staff – Pray that their hearts will be easily entreated by the Holy Spirit to lead this city in truth and justice.
  2. Pray for the entertainment areas of our city.
    a. Independence Center
    b. Independence Square – Pray that the services offered, and the conduct of the residents would be moral and upright, honest and done in loving-kindness.
  3. Pray that the hearts of believers would be softened, repent, and turn back more fully to God.
  4. Pray that unbelievers would have the opportunity to hear the truth and choose to repent and turn to God, the creator of Heaven and Earth, even Jesus Christ.
  5. Pray that those who seek to do evil and violence would replace hate with love, and injustice with peace.
  6. Pray that those who love the Lord would stand together in love.
  7. Pray for the less fortunate, homeless, our beloved, the widows, and orphans of our city.
  8. Pray for the safety and protection of our First Responders and those in service to our city.

If you feel led by God to make this commitment, then please let us know by choosing the day of the week and the time that you wish to commit to prayer.

Choose Weekday and Your Prayer Time…

← Don’t forget to click

If you prefer, choose any time slot below.

Blue indicates that this time slot is free.
Red indicates that others have also chosen this time period.








May God bless you and keep you and yours safe and healthy!