


“Patience is a competitive advantage.

In a surprising number of fields, you can find success if you are simply willing to do the reasonable thing longer than most people.”


“Most people don’t want accurate information, they want validating information.

Growth requires you to be open to unlearning ideas that previously served you.”


“Your mind is a suggestion engine. Every thought you have is a suggestion, not an order.

Sometimes your mind suggests that you are tired, that you should give up, or that you should take an easier path.

But if you pause, you can discover new suggestions. For example, that you will feel good once the work is done or that you have the ability to finish things even when you don’t feel like it.

Your thoughts are not orders. Merely suggestions. You have the power to choose which option to follow.”



Author Gretchen Rubin on how to rebound from a mistake:

“Instead of feeling that you’ve blown the day and thinking, “I’ll get back on track tomorrow,” try thinking of each day as a set of four quarters: morning, midday, afternoon, evening. If you blow one quarter, you get back on track for the next quarter.

Fail small, not big.”

Source: Better Than Before


Facebook executive Andrew Bosworth on how to think outside your constraints:

“When we are getting close to launching products at Facebook we often move the product team out of our usual open floor plan and into a room so they can coordinate in even tighter loops. As a rapidly growing company, it can sometimes be hard to find the space for these so-called war rooms.

Before the launch of our games platform we needed to move more people into a war room than could possibly fit in any floor plan. Not to be defeated, the team came in over the weekend and built a loft which could support desks on two levels. This is classic hacking. The team solved a problem on a dimension, quite literally, that was unexpected: when you think of a floor plan you think of width and depth, not height.

Not to be outdone, a few years later when the Messenger team needed to move 15 people into a war room but the largest room we had could only fit 10 people any way you arranged it (including vertically), they cut a hole in the wall and made a bigger room.

This example isn’t illustrative for its cleverness but rather for its power as a metaphor. As humans when we walk into a room we are inclined to perceive the four walls around us as permanent, immovable constraints. Some of them are — we should avoid demolishing structural walls — but most of them probably are not.”

Source: The Hacker Way


What is one action that would make today a success?

Until next week,

James Clear
Author of the multi-million-copy bestseller, Atomic Habits
Creator of the Habit Journal

p.s. Simone Biles in extreme slow motion.

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