
Two sheep look out from a pasture in a farm along Aden Road in Prince William County's rural area, also known as the "rural crescent."

rural crescent map with data points

Prince William County's rural area, also known as the "rural crescent" is home to several small farms as well as large homes on 10-acre lots, like these on Hazelwood Drive.


A group of sheep look out from a small farm in Prince William County's rural area, also known as the "rural crescent."

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(4) comments


LOL...its called kicking the van down the road.

Staff okays a site to fail plan thus they can say see we did our job dont blame us...then the Socialists on the Board can say in light of no worka le plan we agree to pave over all of PWC and then take our under the table fortune from the developers and the Chamber and move out of the crowded and heavily taxed county.

I can see it coming


It's time for the R.C. to secede from P.W. County and merge with Fauquier. Technically, it may be able to do so if the R.C. inhabitants all stopped paying the county taxes. But, that will never happen!

Sic Semper Tyrannis


What's wrong with clustered housing on 10% of a development with 90% going in to a permanent conservation easement Would allow water and sewer instead of failing, polluting septic systems and would open 90% of the RC to open space vs having 10,000 mc mansions on 100,000 acres.


This deserves an answer.

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