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Kildee, Upton, Dingell, Walberg Introduce PFAS Federal Facility Accountability Act

September 17, 2018

Bipartisan effort would increase cooperation between states with PFAS contamination and the federal government

U.S. Reps. Dan Kildee (MI-05), Fred Upton, (MI-06), Debbie Dingell, (MI-12) and Tim Walberg (MI-07) today introduced bipartisan legislation, the PFAS Federal Facility Accountability Act of 2018, that urges federal agencies to cooperate with states as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination is detected in communities near federal installations such as active military installations, former military installations or National Guard facilities. The bill will facilitate testing, monitoring, removal and remediation when these chemicals are detected in the water and soil. Federal agencies would be required to come up with a plan of action with affected states within one year of a request from the state.

"We cannot underestimate the seriousness of PFAS contamination in Michigan and across the country. I have repeatedly called on the Department of Defense to act more quickly to clean up PFAS contamination at former Wurtsmith Air Force base in my district. Families and veterans deserve to have their government held accountable for the contamination they have caused. I'm proud to introduce this bipartisan bill with my colleagues," said Congressman Kildee.

"This bipartisan effort will help Michigan continue our rapid response to the PFAS contamination issue. We must increase cooperation between the states and the federal government so that everyone is on the same page. That's exactly what this bill does. This should not be a partisan issue and we are coming together in a bipartisan way to make certain Michigan is leading the way," said Congressman Upton.

"We need an all-hands-on deck response to the growing PFAS contamination in Michigan. PFAS is a man-made chemical, and it will require a man-made solution from all of us working together. This bipartisan legislation will help states such as Michigan respond quickly when contamination is detected," said Congresswoman Dingell.

"Here in Michigan, like many other states, the issues surrounding PFAS contamination in our water and soil pose a serious public health concern. We need a robust response to protect the wellbeing of our citizens, and our bipartisan bill will help increase coordination between federal and state authorities to cleanup and prevent exposure to these contaminants," said Congressman Walberg.

For a copy of the legislation please click here.