Join The Dartmouth! 19W
Applications to join The Dartmouth can be found below. Feel free to email with any questions and concerns. Applications are due 5 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 16. Late submissions will be reviewed on an as-needed basis.
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About The Dartmouth
The Dartmouth is the completely independent (both financially and editorially) campus newspaper. The paper is produced by students every step of the way, from content planning to production, to managing client relationships and copy editing. The Dartmouth, Inc. is incorporated in the state of New Hampshire as a nonprofit organization and leases its Robinson Hall offices from the College, which has no financial or editorial stake in the newspaper.

If you decide to join The Dartmouth and are eligible for work-study, the Vox Clamantis Fund Board can provide stipends to staffers who have shown demonstrated commitment to The D.

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Which section(s) are you interested in joining? Please check each one you are interested in, and click the link to go to the application. Once there, click on "File," then "Download as," then "Microsoft Word" to save a copy. Fill out the application according to the instructions in the document.
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