NEW YORK (CBS NEWS) – A new study finds meth and opioid use is rising among pregnant women in the U.S. Researchers at the University of Michigan say the rate of opioid use during pregnancy quadrupled over the last ten years while amphetamine-affected births doubled. Rural areas had the highest rates because of less access to treatment.

Researchers at Drexel University looked at proposed legislation regarding childhood vaccines. They found while the anti-vaccine movement is proposing more bills nationwide to loosen requirements, only a small portion is getting through and state legislatures are actually making it harder for parents to opt out. 

And, new data estimates up to 17 percent of babies in the UK have symptoms of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. British researchers looked at more than 13 thousand children and found almost 80 percent were exposed to alcohol during pregnancy.

Those are some of the day’s top health stories.  Kenneth Craig, CBS News, New York.