Checklist S81679007

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Location Shady Oaks Sanctuary (no public access)

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Owner Margy Terpstra


Protocol:  Stationary
  • Observers:  2

Checklist Comments

We were about to go out and put warm water in the bubbler and basin, when we watched a Rusty Blackbird take an American Goldfinch, kill it and eat it. We were stunned. A few other Rusties came in to look, a second bird took part and possibly a third though it may have been the original bird that returned. I continued to observe and photograph for 28 minutes.


  1. Number observed:  1
  2. Number observed:  6


    In a flash, a Rusty Blackbird grabbed an American Goldfinch that was flying into the bubbler basin. It killed it, then proceeded to eat it. A few other Rusty Blackbirds came to watch, one or possibly two also partook. I had never read of this behavior with this species.


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