The Day I Met Santa…


The story of Santa Claus is one a lot of us grew up with. Learning about and experiencing the Magic that is Yuletide from songs about good old Saint Nick and leaving out milk and cookies for him on Christmas Eve is a magical part of so many people’s childhoods. I remember being young and thinking, “How does he get around the world in one night?”

But, as we get older, the world around us seems intent on convincing us that it is not cool or acceptable to believe in something magical, something that we cannot immediately understand with our logical minds. I am going to share with you a story that I have not shared with many people. I hope it’s something that will inspire some hope or magic this Holiday Season.

Back in 2012, I had a profound experience on the Winter Solstice. If you remember, that coincided with the last day of the Mayan Calendar. Many of us now know the energy changed in the world that day and it was like a veil had been lifted. Well, that was the day when, for whatever reason, the light switch inside of me turned on, and with it, all of my Spiritual gifts. It was on that day that I realized that I had been suppressing my connection with Spirit.

That experience awakened my soul and put me on the path to my Spirituality. It awakened me from all my years of slumber. Ever since that day, I have always been acutely aware of the magic that can happen at this time of year. Some call it a Christmas Miracle, some the Winter Solstice, and others simply call it December 21st.

For most of my life, I had experienced health challenges, mostly various autoimmune challenges. As my soul went through this newfound awakening, some of those issues came to a cataclysmic result. Three years later, in 2015, I found myself in a hospital bed – the week before Christmas. Although things weren’t as bad as they had been in the past, or in hindsight as bad as they were going to get, no one loves being in the hospital, especially right before the holidays.

I have always been able to sense things but I often ignored them or pretended they did not exist. I could be in a space and know that something else was there with me and get a sense of energy from it. I know that others can sense things too. We often think this is bad or scary energy because we do not understand what it is. The unknown is often an unsettling experience. When I fell asleep, I would often hear people talking to me or calling my name, and sometimes saying things I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear. I remember thinking, “Why do they always want to talk to me right before I am about to go to sleep?” Well, that was because, at that time in my life, that was the only time my vibrations were high enough to be open to receiving the messages.

I knew energy and spirits were around and there was this whole universal aspect of life. But, I was not sure I was ready to fully embrace that part of who I was. I continued to live my life that way for many years and had done an excellent job suppressing them, or so I had thought. When that switch flipped, everything became clear, and yet I understood there was so much to learn, and so many more questions. That day, on the Winter Solstice, that was the day I stepped into my full relationship with Spirit, the Divine, and I awakened to my purpose.

So, in 2015, as I was lying in that hospital bed contemplating life and trying my best to focus on the Christmas magic I could still harness, even if I was not at a magical Winter Solstice event. When it happened. That was when I saw Santa Claus walk through my hospital wall.

I may have just lost some of you for a moment, so let me repeat that, Santa Claus walked through the wall. Red suit, holly jolly, Saint Nick…

The hospital can be a very active place for someone who is sensitive to energy, or who can see and hear Spirits. But, never in my life had I expected to see that.

Surprisingly, my first thought was not fear or disbelief, but I remember thinking, “Ok, things are about to get interesting!” As Santa walked closer to my bed, I did what any person would do. I said, “Hi, Santa.” He walked over to my bedside and held my right hand. As he did this, he shared his trade secrets with me, and my mind was officially blown. In that moment, I remember thinking, this makes SO much sense.

Before I tell you a little of what Santa said, it is important to understand that everything is an energy frequency. As humans, we are made up of billions of particles that are made out of energy, therefore, we are energy. And, anything is possible if you tap into the right frequency of that energy.

Here is what Santa told me.

He said, “If Spirit is energy, and energy can be anywhere, then all of us have been looking at Santa the wrong way!”

He is not a physical man who comes down our chimneys at night and leaves us physical gifts under the tree! He does something much more important. Santa is energy. Whether believing is seeing, or seeing is believing, Santa is Spirit energy. Just like how the Universe is energy and we know there is something larger than ourselves in the Universe. Because Santa is this energetic frequency, he can be anywhere and everywhere all at the same time. Spirit frequency knows no time, and therefore time does not exist.

That, for me, solved the question of how he travels around the world in one night and visits every child while they sleep. What he continued to tell me was that every Christmas Eve, he visits the hearts of every child and person who believes in the magic of Christmas. He might not come in physical form, but he manifests energetically, he delivers the most powerful and profound gift to those believers. To a child or adult who has an open heart to the power of belief, he gives them the gift of “Christmas Spirit.”

Christmas Spirit is something that will mean different things to different people. For some, it is peace on Earth, kindness to other people, the charity of giving and helping those in need, good tidings, and cheer. For others, it may mean something else. But, the magic of Christmas, the kind of magic that can bring miracles, is the Christmas Spirit. That frequency of peace, joy, blessings, and gratitude for all that we already have in our lives.

This kind of frequency can bring peace on Earth if every person opens their heart to it more.

To me, that is the most important gift of all; one that is surrounded by unconditional love from the Universe, from God. Miracles, kindness, belief, peace, and happiness to the human soul.

So, as Santa stood there holding my hand, he asked me if my heart was open to receiving the Christmas Spirit. Of course, I said yes! As he leaned down and kissed my forehead to give me the gift of the Christmas Spirit, I felt the cells in my body as they reawakened to the magic that Santa Claus had just gifted me. As the Spirit of Christmas was now inside of me, he said his goodbyes, gave me an old-fashioned Santa wink of his eye, touched my nose with his finger, and said, “See you next year!” Then, he left the way he came and walked back through the wall, off to deliver the Christmas Spirit to another person.

The very next day, I was told that I would be going home. Some may not view this as a Christmas Miracle, but I sure considered it as one.

Since that day, I have seen Christmas differently. It is not about a gift under the tree. It is, in fact, about filling our hearts with the magic of the “Christmas Spirit” and all the other forms of spiritual gifts that come from tapping into its energy.

So, this Holiday Season, even though life may have brought you in a direction that makes it hard to believe in Santa, or perhaps you and your family want to incorporate a new tradition, one that doesn’t cost anything but will give you the best gift, I encourage you to try and open your hearts to the magic that can be had and experienced – by believing, and allowing the Spirit of Santa to give you the most important gift you can get at Christmas… The Christmas Spirit.

Stay inspired,


© 2018 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

2 thoughts on “The Day I Met Santa…

  1. I loved this blog!! I am so GRATEFUL that you shared your story about how, why and when you started using your gifts. What gifts they are!! You help some many I for one. I believe in Christmas magic and miracles. What Santa told you filled my eyes with tears and my heart with warmth. Great way to explain Santa and Christmas to children when they are old enough to understand.

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