
Jack Kemp told the Boston Globe that Louis Farrakhan’s “self-help message” is “wonderful” and averted he “would have liked to have been invited to speak” at the Million Man March. Oh? What march was he talking about? The one where 40 percent of participants told the Washingon Post they had negative feelings towards Jews? The one where Greenpeace rep Damu Smith said the march had been called because “white men are wreaking havoc in our community”? The one where former congressman Gus Savage said that billing the march as a “Day of Atonement” meant atoning “not for our anger, but for not being angry enough [and for not] taking control of our economy in defiance of white power, in defiance of Jewish influence . . .”? The impossibility of unraveling the antiSemitic and the self-help elements of such an event should be self-evident, but it wasn’t to Kemp, who did call on Farrakhan to renounce his anti-Semitism two days after the Globe piece appeared.

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