As a North Carolinian, I want to apologize to the world for Meadows, DeJoy, Cawthorn, and others, but I can't because they are responsible for their own actions - I can only continue to oppose them and try to be part of a more inclusive, just, loving and equitable nation and world.

AND I hope they ALL go to jail, included the 45th President.

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Dr. Heather Cox Richardson. You are fierce. You are tireless. You are amazing.

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A little item the participating members of Congress might want to review.

Fourteenth Amendment

Section 3

No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Amdt14.S3.1 Disqualification from Holding Office

Amdt14.S3.1.1 Disqualification Clause


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Thank you for this very important information.

I knew there was no way in the world the insurrectionsts could have stormed the Capitol the way they did without the aid of politicians providing them blueprints.

Like the example of Facebook, which is destabilizing not just the U.S, but the world's largest democracy, India (and others), our country is being attacked from within by unaccountable, underregulated corporate behemoths and politicians who owe their loyalty not to the people who elected them, but a narcissistic madman who would see this country destroyed rather than tell the truth, and corporations more concerned about their bottom line than the survival of the U.S., which has granted them such extravagant largesse.

Prosecute and jail every politician who is complicit in this madness.

Thanks, again.

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Perhaps the people who are starting to "sing" and are pissed about being abandoned by their fearless leader will finally start making a dent in those who still worship DiJiT. Why those talking with the committee and Rolling Stone would have needed a blanket pardon if what they were doing was legal should have given them pause at the start, but that requires at least a modicum of rational thought process.

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If true Boebert, et al, were involved (and I believe it), they better be expelled from the House.

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From the R.S. article: "These two sources also helped plan a series of demonstrations that took place in multiple states around the country in the weeks between the election and the storming of the Capitol."

Who are helping coordinate anti-democracy demonstrations around the country at local school boards (in the guise of anti-mask protests, etc)? Because one can guess this is coming from the top of the GOP. Just in the last two weeks, the head of the local Repub party told his supporters to call the police on our teachers for keeping 'offending' books in their classrooms, saying “Can you imagine their shame and embarrassment when they try to explain why they were arrested to the public? This could do it. This could break them."

It's no coincidence that this is happening all over the country. These malefactors are well-funded and working overtime to destabilize society and undermine the foundations of our democracy.

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Well, well, well, none of those names are a surprise. Just glad the truth is coming out. If Gosar promised them a blanket pardon, that means he knew to they planned to break the law. Seems to suggest intent to me.

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I had just finished reading a summary of the Rolling Stone story when your account arrived in my email. I suspected something was up because the scenic Maine picture had not arrived yet, signaling you hadn't taken a Sunday breather.

Your account of the Rolling Stone blockbuster raises fundamental questions: Will the House Select Committee investigate members of the House? Will it call them to testify under oath, as well as members of their staffs? Seize their cell phone records and more? Most importantly, will the committee vote to recommend removing these House members from office if there's proof they violated their oaths of office?

It will be fascinating to learn of precedents for such action as the plot, shall we say, thickens at an accelerating pace.

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When the ship is showing strain the rats start departing. This is going to take time--because not only do the wheels of justice move exceedingly slowly, but because of the ways in which Moscow Mitch packed the judicial branch with his own minions. And of course SCOTUS, which is proving to do exactly what some of us expected they would.

A bit of legal history for all of you, as I am feeling wonkish this morning: Soon after returning from the Crusades in 1274, new king Edward I fired all the justices in both judicial benches (Common Pleas and King's Bench) except one (sorry: trying to find the documentation but Google is being stubborn and I can't remember which work I wrote that includes this info), because of complaints about corruption. Although there is some evidence that he did this as a money-making maneuver--he was broke after 4 years of war in the Holy Land and most of the justices were reinstated after paying indemnities--it still showed that he was willing to push against the tendency of the justices to do things like accept bribes. The growth of parliament as a judicial body also changed the ways in which the justices were connected to the Crown, as they sat with the representatives (they are now members of the House of Lords).

The reason I bring it up is because the whole idea of a neutral judiciary--Blind Justice--has a very long history (longer than Magna Carta, Stuart, if you were going to bring that up!) but it is very hard to achieve. It takes enormous energy and persistence to maintain systems that are not biased and prone to corruption because s*** always rises to the top of the pond. So the fact that we are still in 2021 and stuff is starting to happen might well be taken as a good sign. The only way to make sure that the charges stick is to be deliberate about the process.

Our job, as citizens, is to vote, to bring people out to vote, and to ensure that 2022 isn't a disaster for the Dems. Because if we sit on out hands and moan about how slow the process is, we will lose everything.

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Seems like a day to revive names of influential supporters to overturn election or planners of the insurrection…even though now they may be running for cover of the thicket…or robes of a justice. This person is said to have raised considerable funds for buses to Washington for Jan 6 “rally”. What I think it raises is conflict of interest where justice is involved.


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While we worry about the phony righteous indignation of the accused, let’s keep in mind that the rally was being planned as over 60 cases went through the courts showing there was no way idjt could have won. And he actually said he would walk to the Capitol with them, another of his thousands of lies. And he actually said go home in peace. We love you. Why did republicans refuse to move to the balcony when Pelosi asked them to? They knew what was coming. We watched it on tv, they lived it, and republicans still think this failure of a human being is the leader of their party and has a chance of re-election. They are as egotistical and corrupt as their fearful leader.

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Thanks, Heather. Seth Abramson has been uncovering vast amounts of info on the Jan 6th insurrection. Seems other publications are now just catching up. It is all on his Substack account "Proof". He has shared some of it without subscription.

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This Rolling Stone article is more confirmation of info already out there and there are phone records, credit card statements etc . So why are these members of Congress still afforded all that comes with being a member of Congress? It seems like the Biden admin is dragging its heels on doing what must be done!

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Thank you. This past Friday, 10/22, I listened to Joanne Freeman on NCHE’s “History Matters (and so does coffee!),” She said that these Letters are important for information today and for history, I.e. those who will research this era in the future. Thank you for consistently shedding light on our current crisis.

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Between the recent revelations by Frances Haugen on FB, the congressional hearings and now this RS piece with organizers naming top level people in Congress and Trump's staff, I'm feeling more confident this combination of events will finally be able to stitch together a direct connection to the very top at the WH, Congress and the GOP.

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