Mark "Mountain Man" Allan Friend's Funeral Details | Ever Loved


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  • Helping hands

    In lieu of flowers

    Please consider a donation to a memorial park bench in Landahl Park.
  • Help keep everyone in the know by sharing this memorial website.
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Helping hands

In lieu of flowers

Please consider a donation to a memorial park bench in Landahl Park.
of $2,500 goal
34 %

Recent contributions

Shawn Lillig
George Nick
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Recent contributions

Shawn Lillig
George Nick
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Memories & condolences

I'm so sorry I was unable to attend Mark's memorial, but I am sure it was awesome like him.    Blessings!   Pam
I'm so sorry I was unable to attend Mark's memorial, but I am sure it was awesome like him.    Bles…
I'm so sorry I was unable to attend Mark's memorial, but I am su…

So sorry for the passing of your father!  He always seemed to have a smile on his face!!  Due to

other obligations, I a…

So sorry for the passing of your father!  He always seemed to have a smile on his face!!  Due to


So sorry for the passing of your father!  He always seemed to ha…

Mariah and family,
We hope you have a beautiful day and lots of fond memories to share. We enjoyed our time volunteering…
Mariah and family,
We hope you have a beautiful day and lots of fond memories to share. We enjoyed o…
Mariah and family,
We hope you have a beautiful day and lots of f…
I and Diana were so sorry to hear of Mark's passing. He was my roommate and good friend in college and we shared many …
I and Diana were so sorry to hear of Mark's passing. He was my roommate and good friend in college…
I and Diana were so sorry to hear of Mark's passing. He was my …

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Mark "Mountain Man" Friend