Everything Imaginable

Judith Corvin-Blackburn - From the 3rd Dimension to the 5th and Back Again.

Episode Summary

Judith Corvin-Blackburn, LCSW, DMin is an award-winning author, internationally known teacher, transpersonal psychotherapist & Shamanic Minister, who has been inspiring people to step into joy, purpose and inner authority for over 45 years. Her passion has been to guide & empower individuals to heal their wounds and reclaim their true soul nature, so that collectively we can transform Planet Earth into the loving, peaceful, creative place it is meant to be. She is author of three books, Activating Your 5D Frequency: A Guidebook to the Journey into Higher Dimensions, 2020; Empowering the Spirit: A Process to Activate Your Soul Potential, 2012 and Journey to Wholeness: A Guide to Inner Healing, 1994. She offers online and zoom classes to empower one's spirit and to activate our higher frequency potential, and is co-creator of the Global Shamanic Multidimensional Mystery School. Check out her website: www.empoweringthespirit.com. FREE gift for signing up for her inspiring newsletters – downloadable Sacred Contracts Meditation.

Episode Notes
