When someone complains about Florida, or any other state for that matter, and other commenters reply with “then you should move to another state”, lets just keep in mind that’s not a viable solution for everyone.

First, if you are on any form of supervision, you can’t just leave. There’s a process that involves the cooperation and willingness of two jurisdictions. Some are on lifetime supervision. The bottom line is; there are a percentage of us who would give our right arms to leave but simply can’t.

Second, many of us have family or community ties to where we are. Some are caregivers to a loved one, some are parents to a child in school. Uprooting yourself is one thing, but uprooting your dependents is another. Taking an elderly parent away from the doctors they are comfortable with or moving a child away from friends they grew up with is not an easy thing to force on someone. Also, many are divorced and can’t expect an ex spouse to cooperate in relocating children to another state to facilitate visitation. Given the choice of not seeing their children or suffering in Florida, for many there’s no choice.

Third, many of us are dependents ourselves. Can’t find jobs, can’t afford housing, live with parents, siblings, or friends and can’t afford to just pick up and relocate to someplace they have no support. Sure, if you have an Uncle in Vermont who will let you stay in his guest house and give you a job at his furniture factory, great! You have an option. But if you’re going to get off the bus in Burlington and survive off the $1375 in your bank account, it’s not happening.

And finally, and this is an important one… some of us are intransigent and unwilling to be stepped on. This is their cause, this is their life. You will find gun owners who would sooner have a firearm pried from their dead fingers than give up their guns. That’s how some people feel about their humanity, their dignity, their family and their rights. To use a maritime metaphor, there are some that will abandon ship and some that will go down with the ship. Respect to those.

By no means is this is a judgment call for anybody who actually has the option to leave and chooses to stay or go. There are very valid reasons for both and every individual has their own personal considerations when it comes to making that decision. I only want to make two statements; if you’re going to make statements telling others to leave Florida, please remember not everyone can, and if you’re going to make statements telling others to stay, grab an oar and help us paddle!

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