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Angular UIRouter

Andrei A edited this page Dec 27, 2017 · 6 revisions

Angular UIRouter extension for at.js library uses promises (delayed objects) within states to provide a "flicker-free" implementation on view changes. This approach could be used in an application using Angular's UIRouter module. Conveniently, this extension can be added to the application using DTM.


  1. at.js library
  2. Angular library
  3. Angular UIRouter module

##Integration Instructions:

  1. Use at.js without the auto-created mbox
  2. Choose an appropriate extension distribution and include it. Note: at-angular-common extension is required by at-angular-ui-router extension, so if you'll be using only one of the Angular extensions in your project, it makes sense to include the +common version. Otherwise, you'll probably want to include the at-angular-common extension separately, and choose the distribution without +common.
  3. The extension should be added to your page after angular.js, angular-ui-router.js and at.js OR it could be added to the end of at.js in the Target Tool configuration of DTM.
  4. Initialize with method by passing your Angular module as an argument. In DTM you might need to include this as a Sequential Javascript snippet in a Page Load Rule triggered at the Bottom of the Page.

Simple example:;  // where app is a required argument, reference to an Angular module, can be an object or a string name

Example with all available options:,     // Angular module, object reference or string, required 
        params: {param1:'val1',param2:'val2'},     // Target mbox parameters, optional
        mbox: 'custom-mbox-name',            // Target mbox name, optional
        selector: 'body',                    // CSS selector to inject Target content to, optional
        timeout: 5000,                       // Target call timeout
        allowedRoutesFilter: [],             // Blank for all routes or restrict to specific routes: ['/','/about','/item/:id']
        disallowedRoutesFilter: [],          // Exclude specific routes: ['/login','/privacy']

##Demo State Change Example