History to Chew On: Gov. Thomas E. Bramlette

Aug 8, 2023, 6 – 7:30 p.m.

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Civil War era experiences of Gov. Thomas E. Bramlette

Born in Cumberland (now Clinton) County, Ky., Bramlette was an attorney and politician before the war. When the Civil War began, he firmly supported the Union, denounced secession, and eventually led the 3rd Kentucky Volunteer Infantry Regiment before Abraham Lincoln appointed him a U.S. District Attorney out of Louisville in 1863.

Patrons are encouraged to bring their dinner and eat during the presentation. Call McConnell Springs at (859) 225-4073 to register for this free event.

Note: This session will be presented by Chuck Welsko from the Kentucky Historical Society. Chuck is a scholar of 19th-century American history and the Civil War Era, with a Ph.D. in history from West Virginia University. 



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