(COLORADO SPRINGS) — Colorado Springs received multiple awards for the efforts of both the City Planning and Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services Departments in 2023.

ReToolCOS awards

RetoolCOS awards for 2023. Grwoing Water Smart and General Planning Project
Courtesy: City of Colorado Springs

According to the City of Colorado Springs, the Planning Department received two awards from the American Planning Association Colorado Awards for the RetoolCOS project.

One award was the “2023 Honor Award for General Planning Project,” which recognized the City’s innovations in new code, specifically those that allow for increased housing opportunities.

The City and Colorado Springs Utilities shared the “2023 Honor Award for Growing Water Smart,” for the new landscape and Water Efficiency Plan regulations that require a 25% high-water use turf limit for new developments and redesigned water demand forecasting to include water use by land use type.

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department

The Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department received two awards for contributions to the success and value of parks and recreation in Colorado.

Former City Council Member Stephannie Finley-Fortune posthumously received the “2023 Community Champion Award” for her dedication to several park initiatives including the resumption of the City operation of the Westside Community Center.

Award for Renovated Park Design for Panorama Park
Courtesy: City of Colorado Springs

The department also received an award for the renovation of Panorama Park, completed in 2022. The City said Panorama Park was the largest neighborhood park renovation in the City’s history.

“These awards are a credit to the hard work, innovation, and heart of our City staff, leaders, and community partners who strive every day to bring their best to serve Colorado Springs residents,” said Mayor Yemi Mobolade. “They reflect the high standard of excellence that the City of Colorado Springs provides to its community every day, providing a government that is transparent, approachable, and proactive.”