Zoom Meeting 10.27.2021

2 years ago

DOCS: http://www.lawofboris.com/files/10272021.zip
(copy and paste into separate browser if link not working)

equitable right of subrogation to remove the nonage
formulation of contracts between man and man;

"i, a man: name;" to "segregate" the live man from person to "enforce" contract

if you do not come to the party with a "contract/agreement," you will be "governed" with a "court created contract" (ORDER)

law common to i = the law of the contract you created

Law of Boris is the "law common with the man called Boris" .. "proof of claim, else u so fuct : either one has right, or one is doing wrong which is trespass

goal to fuse "legal" with "common" so we do not have to talk like lawyers and attorneys all the fucking time; intent trumps words

to put pen to paper is to be at war; should go to neighbor first, like men do; children bitch and complain.

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