Democracy Live's Secure Select 1.1

About Secure Select

Secure Select is an accessible online application that provides voters with a secure way to access, mark, review, and print their ballot selections. Voters access Secure Select by following a link provided by their local elections office.

Navigating through Secure Select

Screen Reader Navigation

Secure Select is written in HTML utilizing headers, lists, checkboxes, text inputs, and landmarks to provide an interface compatible with Screen Readers. Voters using a Screen Reader can navigate through Secure Select just as they would any other website. Recommended Screen Reader and Browser combinations include:



Keyboard Navigation

The voter may also use their keyboard to navigate through Secure Select. A blue outline shows the current focus at all times making keyboard navigation clear and simple.

Mouse Navigation

The voter may also use a mouse to point and click on elements in Secure Select to navigate through the application just like any other website.

How to Use Secure Select

Secure Select is composed of the following five screens.

Ballot Marking

The voter can mark selections using a mouse or a keyboard. If the voter tries to over-vote Secure Select prevents the over-vote and displays a clear warning.

If a write-in candidate is selected, a text field is provided to enter a candidate name.

Screen shot of ballot marking page showing a checked candidate and an over-vote warning.

After marking selections on the ballot, the voter clicks Continue to advance to Selection Review.

Selection Review

The voter is presented with a summary of their selections and is notified of any missing selections.

Screenshot showing review page with change button highlighted.

Clicking Change next to any contest will take the voter directly to the contest on the Ballot Marking screen. The voter can quickly navigate back to the review page by clicking on the Go back to review page link.

Screenshot showing a contest with the Back to review page link highlighted.

After reviewing selections, the voter clicks Continue to progress to the Print Selections screen.

Screenshot showing the continue button highlighted.

Ballot Printing

The voter prints their ballot which contains a QR code representing their selections.

Screenshot of printed ballot with a barcode on the top right.

After the selections have been printed, the voter clicks End Session to progress to the Complete screen.

Screenshot of the print page with the End Session button highlighted.


The voter selections are cleared from memory and the voter is presented with a thank you message.