Cuyahoga County

Jail Coalition

photo credits: Jeff Forman & Kalia Johnson

URGENT: sign & share the petition to stop the jail project

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What's Going On in the Jail —

Much has come to light regarding the horrendous, inhumane conditions in the Cuyahoga County Jail system, including a 52-page report from the US Marshal’s service, who will no longer even house their own detainees there due to the substandard conditions and overt brutality experienced by our most vulnerable residents.

In response to this crisis in Cuyahoga County, the Coalition to Stop the Inhumanity at the Cuyahoga County Jail has been building a powerful, community-based campaign to demand justice and accountability. This includes working groups on bail reform, outreach & connection with folks currently incarcerated, creative actions, a set of collaboratively-drafted demands, coalition meetings, and more!

Here are our demands —

Coalition Demands Sign on Letter

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