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You can use Adobe Target’s Admin and Profile REST APIs that use the Adobe.IO integration to manage activities, audiences, offers, properties, reports, mboxes, environments, and profiles.

Adobe.IO Integration

Sample request to exchange a JWT token with a Bearer Access Token

curl -X POST \
  '<Adobe.IO API KEY>&client_secret=<Adobe.IO Client Secret>&jwt_token=JWT_TOKEN'

Sample response with the Bearer Access Token

    "token_type": "bearer",
    "access_token": "eyJ4NXUiOiJpbXNfbmExLWtleS0xLmNlciIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.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.AXpmjYPFUxvSkKjkO9DryCbqeGQDlrR07HIHjY-9alQIxe0JNIRfOjRjginvOO6ihWA71lfvtJ5iD6Yc7L9EDCCnztjSYYKfvK8NlDyN7uTOT7-Ky7OFQPnFX7m57d3vblj0Daq9Xbo0MbDfUtBl-0RpsfMz3tBN5OP1tOkgweuGHmnmeg-mUhbZf0SVrvlfM1aXQMx2gAL4c12f1YfviSUPQUPzB3ZozNHxKf321HiG-bUW06tRdZRdH-KhupdsJUlAHXSBZNDp0Gn93uGoDxNO7xuOqcFhRAJuqJQ96njPKLzmD_6V0SDDGHYb1IEcx7n0OYIf4BMK46W9tYXbdQ",
    "expires_in": 86399990

All Admin APIs and the Authenticated Profile APIs must use the Adobe.IO integration. You can create an integration by following these steps:

  1. Login to and create a Target Integration by following the instructions here.
    1. Note that you must be a product admin to create an integration.
  2. Generate a JSON Web Token (JWT) as described in the documentation.
  3. Exchange the JWT for a Bearer Access Token by using the request shown in the example alongside. The Access Token has an expiry value set and must be re-created on expiry.
  4. All Adobe.IO APIs must include the Access Token in the request header.

Authentication Tokens

Generate a Debug Authentication Token for use with mboxTrace

curl -X POST \
  '<your-tenant-name>/target/authentication/token?scope=debug_tools' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer BEARER_TOKEN_FROM_JWT_EXCHANGE' \
  -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
  -H 'X-Api-Key: a9b44ad3f8134258944d6edba50fc51d'

Generate a Profile Authentication Token for use with Profile APIs

curl -X POST \
  '<your-tenant-name>/target/authentication/token?scope=profile_api' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer BEARER_TOKEN_FROM_JWT_EXCHAGE' \
  -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
  -H 'X-Api-Key: a9b44ad3f8134258944d6edba50fc51d'

Response to the Profile Authentication Token request

    "accessToken": "bbf8ae69-6e29-4b8e-b3d6-f7567723f5b0",
    "tokenType": "bearer",
    "scope": "profile_api",
    "expiresIn": 7775999

For accessing authenticated Profile APIs, you can generate the Authentication Tokens using the Adobe.IO Authentication Token API.<your-tenant-name>/target/authentication/token?scope=<AUTHENTICATION_SCOPE>

Profile Authentication Token

The profile authentication token helps work with the Profile API that has Authenticated switched ON. This can be generated by setting scope=profile_api in the API request as shown in Example 2. The response returns the accessToken which should be passed in the profile API request headers as -H 'access_token: VALUE_OF_ACCESS_TOKEN'.

Admin APIs

The Admin APIs will allow you to CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) Activities, Audiences and Offers.

Before you Begin

In all the code examples, you must replace the {tenant} variable with your tenant value, your-bearer-token with the access token that you generate with your JWT and your-api-key with your API key from the Adobe I/O console.


Error Message for unsupported features

    "httpStatus": 406,
    "requestId": "8752b736-cf71-4d81-86c3-94be2b5ae648",
    "requestTime": "2018-02-02T21:39:06.405Z",
    "errors": [
            "errorCode": "Unsupported.Feature",
            "message": "Unsupported features detected"

All APIs have a version associated with it. It is important to provide the right version of the API that you want to use.

Admin Postman Collection

Postman is a application that makes it easy to fire API calls. This Postman collection contains all the Admin API calls in the same order as the docs. Just click on the ‘Run in Postman’ button to import the Target API collection.

This collection contains all APIs that require authentication using Adobe I/O * Activities * Audiences * Offers * Reports * Mboxes and Environments

Run in Postman

Response Codes

Here are the common response codes for the Target Admin APIs

Status Meaning Description
200 OK OK
400 Bad Request Bad Request. Most probably the data provided in the request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized The user is not allowed to perform this operation.
403 Forbidden Access to this resource is forbidden.
404 Not Found The referenced resource was not found.


An activity enables you to test, target or personalize content for your users. An activity can be one of the following types

List Activities

Sample Request for GET Activities

curl -X GET<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/ \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for GET Activities

    "total": 5,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 2147483647,
    "activities": [
            "id": 168805,
            "thirdPartyId": "2fc846c4-d5c6-4d67-9ef8-939bb907cc71",
            "type": "ab",
            "state": "deactivated",
            "name": "A3 - L4242 - Serversid testing",
            "priority": 0,
            "modifiedAt": "2017-05-11T10:11:35Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 168942,
            "thirdPartyId": "e1cfda1a-5814-4dd9-8624-c33882af114b",
            "type": "xt",
            "state": "deactivated",
            "name": "A3-L4242-XT",
            "priority": 0,
            "modifiedAt": "2017-05-11T10:11:52Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 168816,
            "thirdPartyId": "f7134ab6-ee98-422f-a59d-a1efc3cd85a9",
            "type": "ab",
            "state": "deactivated",
            "name": "A5-L4242",
            "priority": 0,
            "modifiedAt": "2017-05-11T10:11:33Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 168824,
            "thirdPartyId": "60a2f81f-e2bb-45be-9e9a-90162cfcf780",
            "type": "ab",
            "state": "deactivated",
            "name": "A6-L4242 AB Test SG",
            "priority": 0,
            "modifiedAt": "2017-05-11T10:11:18Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"

Get a list of activities created in your Target account, with the ability to filter and sort by attributes.

GET: /{tenant}/target/activities


Parameter Required Description Example
limit False Defines the number of items to return. Default value is 2147483647 Returns the first ten items
offset False Defines the first activity to return from the list of total activities. Used in conjunction with limit, you can provide pagination in your application for users to browse through a large set of activities. Return the first ten items with an offset
sortBy False Defines the sorting criteria on the returned items. You can sort by:
  • name
  • id
  • endsAt
  • thirdPartyId
  • state
  • type
  • priority
You can add a “-” modifier to sort by descending order.
Sort Activities

Some common Examples

GET list of all activities{tenant}/target/activities/

GET activity list with limit{tenant}/target/activities/?limit=1

GET activity list with limit and offset{tenant}/target/activities/?limit=2&offset=2

GET activity list filtered by multiple values{tenant}/target/activities/?id=3&id=4&name=ab

GET activity list filtered by negative values{tenant}/target/activities/?priority=!4

GET activity list sorted by multiple criteria{tenant}/target/activities/?sortBy=name&sortBy=id

GET activity list filtered by a date range{tenant}/target/activities/?startsAt=1800-09-01T02:04:00.000-07:00/2114-11-30T14:10:00.000-07:00

GET activity list filtered by workspaces{tenant}/target/activities/?workspace=1234567,12345678

Get AB Activity by ID

Sample Request for Get AB Activity by ID

curl -X GET<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/ab/168824 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Get AB Activity by ID

    "id": 168824,
    "thirdPartyId": "60a2f81f-e2bb-45be-9e9a-90162cfcf780",
    "name": "A6-L4242 AB Test SG",
    "state": "deactivated",
    "priority": 0,
    "autoAllocateTraffic": {
        "enabled": false,
        "successEvaluationCriteria": "conversion_rate"
    "locations": {
        "mboxes": [
                "locationLocalId": 0,
                "name": "a6-serverside-ab"
    "experiences": [
            "experienceLocalId": 0,
            "name": "Experience A",
            "visitorPercentage": 34,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395818
            "experienceLocalId": 1,
            "name": "Experience B",
            "visitorPercentage": 33,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395819
            "experienceLocalId": 2,
            "name": "Experience C",
            "visitorPercentage": 33,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395820
    "metrics": [
            "metricLocalId": 32767,
            "name": "MY PRIMARY GOAL",
            "conversion": true,
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "order-complete",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
            "action": {
                "type": "count_once"
    "workspace": "1234567",
    "propertyIds": [
    "modifiedAt": "2017-05-11T10:11:18Z"

Fetch the current definition of an AB activity if it is found as referenced by the id.

GET /{tenant}/target/activities/ab/{id}

Delete AB activity by ID

Sample Request for Delete AB Activity by ID

curl -X DELETE \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/ab/168805 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Delete XT Activity by ID

    "id": 168805,
    "thirdPartyId": "2fc846c4-d5c6-4d67-9ef8-939bb907cc71_1499636562807",
    "name": "A3 - L4242 - Serversid testing",
    "state": "deleted",
    "priority": 0,
    "autoAllocateTraffic": {
        "enabled": false,
        "successEvaluationCriteria": "conversion_rate"
    "locations": {
        "mboxes": [
                "locationLocalId": 0,
                "name": "a3-serverside-ab"
    "experiences": [
            "experienceLocalId": 0,
            "name": "Experience A",
            "visitorPercentage": 34,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395818
            "experienceLocalId": 1,
            "name": "Experience B",
            "visitorPercentage": 33,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395819
            "experienceLocalId": 2,
            "name": "Experience C",
            "visitorPercentage": 33,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395820
    "metrics": [
            "metricLocalId": 32767,
            "name": "MY PRIMARY GOAL",
            "conversion": true,
            "action": {
                "type": "count_once"
    "workspace": "1234567",
    "propertyIds": [
    "modifiedAt": "2017-07-09T21:42:42Z"

Deletes the AB activity that is referenced by the id, if it is found.

DELETE: /{tenant}/target/activities/ab/{id}

Create AB Activity

Sample Request for Create AB Activity

curl -X POST \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/ab/ \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'
  -d '{
    "name": "New API Activity",
    "startsAt": "2017-05-01T08:00Z",
    "endsAt": "2017-09-01T07:59:59Z",
    "state": "saved",
    "priority": 100,
    "autoAllocateTraffic": {
        "enabled": false,
        "successEvaluationCriteria": "conversion_rate"
    "locations": {
        "mboxes": [
                "locationLocalId": 0,
                "name": "x1-serverside-ab"
    "experiences": [
            "experienceLocalId": 0,
            "name": "Experience A",
            "visitorPercentage": 34,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395818
            "experienceLocalId": 1,
            "name": "Experience B",
            "visitorPercentage": 33,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395819
            "experienceLocalId": 2,
            "name": "Experience C",
            "visitorPercentage": 33,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395820
    "metrics": [
            "metricLocalId": 32767,
            "name": "MY PRIMARY GOAL",
            "conversion": true,
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "order-complete",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
            "action": {
                "type": "count_once"
    "workspace": "1234567",
    "propertyIds": [

Sample Response for Create AB Activity

    "id": 183916,
    "name": "New API Activity",
    "startsAt": "2017-05-01T08:00Z",
    "endsAt": "2017-09-01T07:59:59Z",
    "state": "saved",
    "priority": 100,
    "autoAllocateTraffic": {
        "enabled": false,
        "successEvaluationCriteria": "conversion_rate"
    "locations": {
        "mboxes": [
                "locationLocalId": 0,
                "name": "x1-serverside-ab"
    "experiences": [
            "experienceLocalId": 0,
            "name": "Experience A",
            "visitorPercentage": 34,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395818
            "experienceLocalId": 1,
            "name": "Experience B",
            "visitorPercentage": 33,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395819
            "experienceLocalId": 2,
            "name": "Experience C",
            "visitorPercentage": 33,
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395820
    "metrics": [
            "metricLocalId": 32767,
            "name": "MY PRIMARY GOAL",
            "conversion": true,
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "order-complete",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
            "action": {
                "type": "count_once"
    "workspace": "1234567",
    "propertyIds": [
    "modifiedAt": "2017-07-10T05:11:03Z"

POST /{tenant}/target/activities/ab

Creates a new AB activity with the specified contents and returns the created activity.


Attribute Type Description
id Number A unique value generated by the server when the activity is created. Subsequently, it is used to identify an activity.
thirdPartyId String An alternative id to identify an activity, usually generated by the client. If specified, must be unique amongst all activities. Max length is 250 characters.
name String A string to identify the activity. The name cannot be empty. Max length is 250 characters.
startsAt String The date and time to start an activity. Supports ISO 8601 style date-hour formats.
endsAt String The date and time to end an activity. Supports ISO 8601 style date-hour formats.
state String

Defines the state of the activity. Possible values are:


  • approved
  • deactivated
  • paused
  • saved
  • deleted


priority String Defines the priority of the activity. Higher numbers have higher priority.Valid values are between 0 and 999. Default value is 5.
entryConstraint String Specifies an activity entry constraint via an mbox-audience combination or visitor percentage. Specifies the mbox, audienceId, and visitor percentage required to enter the activity.
experiences Array A list of locations on the page where the content offer is served. A location contains the following:
  • name – to identify an experience

  • localId – to track the experience across POST/PUT requests

  • audienceId – a set of audiences to filter the visitors for the experience

  • visitorPercentage – the percentage of visitors that is allocated to the experience

workspace String Optional id of workspace to which the activity belongs. Max length is 250 characters. By default, Default workspace is assumed. Applicable for Enterprise Permissions (Target Premium).
propertyIds Array List of property ids to associate with the activity.
locations Array A list of locations on the page where the content offer is served.
locations > mboxes Array

a list of mboxes to serve the offers in.

locations > mboxes > locationLocalId String

Used to track the location during PUT/POST requests

locations > mboxes > name String The name of the mbox.
locations > mboxes > audienceId Array A list of audienceIds to target on the mbox
metrics Array List of metrics to collect for the activity.
metrics > metricLocalId String Used to track the metric across POST/PUT requests.
metrics > name Array Used to identify the metric
metrics > conversion Boolean Used to indicate if the metric is a conversion metric
metrics > action JSON

Used to specify the action to take when the metric number is increased

metrics > action > type Enum

Type of action. The valid values are:


  • count_once (default if no conversion)
  • count_landings
  • always_convert
  • restart_same_experience (default if conversion)
  • restart_random_experience
  • restart_new_experience
  • exclude_to_same_experience
  • ban_from_campaign
  • experience_frequency_capping


metrics > action > conditions   additional conditions applicable for ban_from_campaign and experience_frequency_capping
metrics > action > conditions > maxVisitCount Number  
metrics > action > conditions > maxImpressionCount Number  
metrics > action > conditions > experiences   Used for details of the experiences
metrics > action > conditions > experiences   Used for details of the experiences
metrics > action > conditions > experiences > experienceLocalId   to track the experience across POST/PUT requests
metrics > action > conditions > experiences > maxVisitCount    
metrics > action > conditions > experiences > maxImpressionCount    
metrics > action > onConditionMetAction  

Used to specify the action to take when the condition is met. Valid values are restart_new_experience or restart_random_experience.

This value is only applicable if action > type=experience_frequence_capping.

metrics > action > mboxes   An optional list of mboxes for which metrics should be collected
metrics > action > mboxes > name String a text identifier for the mbox
metrics > action > mboxes > successEvent String Used to specify the success metric event. Valid values are: mbox_shown, or mbox_clicked.
metrics > action > mboxes > audienceId String optional audienceId to only track specific cases.
reportingAudiences   Segments used for reporting
reportingAudiences > reportingAudienceLocalId   Used to track metrics across POST/PUT requests
reportingAudiences > audienceId   Segments used for reporting
reportingAudiences > metricLocalId    
analytics   Used to configure integration with Adobe Analytics
analytics > reportSuite   Report suite configuration for Adobe Analytics
analytics > dataCollectionHost   Used to denote data collection host for Adobe Analytics

Update AB Activity

Sample Request for Update AB Activity

curl -X PUT \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/ab/183916 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'
  -d '{
    "name": "New Activity Name",
    "state": "approved",
    "priority": 10,
    "locations": {
        "mboxes": [
                "locationLocalId": 0,
                "name": "mbox_1"
                "locationLocalId": 1,
                "name": "mbox_2"
                "locationLocalId": 2,
                "name": "mbox_3"
    "experiences": [
            "experienceLocalId": 0,
            "name": "Tom Hanks Cast Away",
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 400546
                    "locationLocalId": 1,
                    "offerId": 400547
                    "locationLocalId": 2,
                    "offerId": 400546
            "experienceLocalId": 1,
            "name": "Default",
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 400546
                    "locationLocalId": 1,
                    "offerId": 400547
                    "locationLocalId": 2,
                    "offerId": 400546
    "metrics": [
            "metricLocalId": 3,
            "name": "display about",
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "event_1",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
            "metricLocalId": 4,
            "name": "display hero",
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "event_2",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
            "metricLocalId": 32767,
            "name": "display userimg",
            "conversion": true,
            "action": {
                "type": "count_once"
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "event_3",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
    "workspace": "1234567",
        "propertyIds": [
    "analytics": {
        "reportSuite": "mydemoreportsuite",
        "dataCollectionHost": ""

Sample Response for Update AB Activity

    "name": "New Activity Name",
    "state": "approved",
    "priority": 10,
    "locations": {
        "mboxes": [
                "locationLocalId": 0,
                "name": "mbox_1"
                "locationLocalId": 1,
                "name": "mbox_2"
                "locationLocalId": 2,
                "name": "mbox_3"
    "experiences": [
            "experienceLocalId": 0,
            "name": "Tom Hanks Cast Away",
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 400546
                    "locationLocalId": 1,
                    "offerId": 400547
                    "locationLocalId": 2,
                    "offerId": 400546
            "experienceLocalId": 1,
            "name": "Default",
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 400546
                    "locationLocalId": 1,
                    "offerId": 400547
                    "locationLocalId": 2,
                    "offerId": 400546
    "metrics": [
            "metricLocalId": 3,
            "name": "display about",
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "event_1",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
            "metricLocalId": 4,
            "name": "display hero",
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "event_2",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
            "metricLocalId": 32767,
            "name": "display userimg",
            "conversion": true,
            "action": {
                "type": "count_once"
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "event_3",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
    "workspace": "1234567",
        "propertyIds": [
    "analytics": {
        "reportSuite": "mydemoreportsuite",
        "dataCollectionHost": ""

PUT: /{tenant}/target/activities/ab/{id}

Updates the AB activity definition with the contents as provided in the request. This can change the state and behaviour of an existing activity.

Get XT Activity by ID

Sample Request for Get XT Activity by ID

curl -X GET<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/xt/168824 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Get XT Activity by ID

    "id": 166425,
    "thirdPartyId": "04662c10-0831-4306-bb36-5410acc88dff",
    "name": "Master - Mobile - XT",
    "state": "approved",
    "priority": 999,
    "autoAllocateTraffic": {
        "enabled": false,
        "successEvaluationCriteria": "conversion_rate"
    "locations": {
        "mboxes": [
                "locationLocalId": 0,
                "name": "a1-mobile-xt"
    "experiences": [
            "experienceLocalId": 0,
            "name": "Silver",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 393707
            "experienceLocalId": 2,
            "name": "Gold",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 395545
            "experienceLocalId": 3,
            "name": "Sapphire",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 393708
    "metrics": [
            "metricLocalId": 32767,
            "name": "metric_placeholder",
            "conversion": true,
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "conversion_placeholder",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
            "action": {
                "type": "count_once"
    "workspace": "1234567",
    "propertyIds": [
    "analytics": {
        "reportSuite": "<your-tenant-name>iosdemo",
        "dataCollectionHost": "<your-tenant-name>"
    "modifiedAt": "2017-06-12T14:27:44Z"

Gets a Experience Targeted activity that is referenced by the id.

Delete XT Activity by ID

Sample Request for Delete XT Activity by ID

curl -X DELETE \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/xt/168333 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Delete XT Activity by ID

    "id": 168333,
    "thirdPartyId": "60cc9620-999f-4052-bdad-1567838db10d_1499659779896",
    "name": "My XT Activity",
    "state": "deleted",
    "priority": 0,
    "autoAllocateTraffic": {
        "enabled": false,
        "successEvaluationCriteria": "conversion_rate"
    "locations": {
        "mboxes": [
                "locationLocalId": 0,
                "name": "j1-mobile-xt"
    "experiences": [
            "experienceLocalId": 0,
            "name": "Experience A",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 393707
            "experienceLocalId": 1,
            "name": "Experience B",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 0
            "experienceLocalId": 2,
            "name": "Experience C",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 0
    "metrics": [
            "metricLocalId": 32767,
            "name": "MY PRIMARY GOAL",
            "conversion": true,
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "order-complete",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
            "action": {
                "type": "count_once"
    "workspace": "1234567",
    "propertyIds": [
    "modifiedAt": "2017-07-10T04:09:39Z"

DELETE /{tenant}/target/activities/xt/{id}

Deletes the XT activity that is referenced by the id, if it is found.

Create XT Activity

Sample Request for Create XT Activity

curl -X POST \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/xt/ \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'
  -d '{
    "name": "New XT API Activity",
    "state": "saved",
    "priority": 10,
    "autoAllocateTraffic": {
        "enabled": false,
        "successEvaluationCriteria": "conversion_rate"
    "locations": {
        "mboxes": [
                "locationLocalId": 0,
                "name": "a1-serverside-xt"
    "experiences": [
            "experienceLocalId": 0,
            "name": "USA Experience",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 396067
            "experienceLocalId": 1,
            "name": "UK Experience",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 396064
            "experienceLocalId": 2,
            "name": "France Experience",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 396065
            "experienceLocalId": 3,
            "name": "Australia Experience",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 396066
    "metrics": [
            "metricLocalId": 32767,
            "name": "metric_placeholder",
            "conversion": true,
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "conversion_placeholder",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
            "action": {
                "type": "count_once"
    "workspace": "1234567",
    "propertyIds": [
    "analytics": {
        "reportSuite": "<your-tenant-name>westeros",
        "dataCollectionHost": "<your-tenant-name>"

Sample Response for Create XT Activity

    "id": 183919,
    "name": "New XT API Activity",
    "state": "saved",
    "priority": 10,
    "autoAllocateTraffic": {
        "enabled": false,
        "successEvaluationCriteria": "conversion_rate"
    "locations": {
        "mboxes": [
                "locationLocalId": 0,
                "name": "a1-serverside-xt"
    "experiences": [
            "experienceLocalId": 0,
            "name": "USA Experience",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 396067
            "experienceLocalId": 1,
            "name": "UK Experience",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 396064
            "experienceLocalId": 2,
            "name": "France Experience",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 396065
            "experienceLocalId": 3,
            "name": "Australia Experience",
            "audienceIds": [
            "offerLocations": [
                    "locationLocalId": 0,
                    "offerId": 396066
    "metrics": [
            "metricLocalId": 32767,
            "name": "metric_placeholder",
            "conversion": true,
            "mboxes": [
                    "name": "conversion_placeholder",
                    "successEvent": "mbox_shown"
            "action": {
                "type": "count_once"
    "workspace": "1234567",
    "propertyIds": [
    "analytics": {
        "reportSuite": "<your-tenant-name>westeros",
        "dataCollectionHost": "<your-tenant-name>"
    "modifiedAt": "2017-07-10T06:01:27Z"

Creates a new XT activity with the specified contents and returns the created activity.

Update XT Activity

PUT: /{tenant}/target/activities/xt/{id}

Updates the Experience Targeted activity definition with the contents as provided in the request. This can change the state and behaviour of an existing activity.

Update Activity Name

Sample Request for Update Activity Name (Rename Activity)

curl -X PUT \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/168816/name \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'
  -d '{
        "name": "New Name for Activity"

Sample Response for Update Activity Name

    "id": 168816,
    "name": "New Name for Activity",
    "modifiedAt": "2017-01-01T00:00Z"

Updates the name of the AB activity that is referenced by the supplied id.

PUT: /{tenant}/target/activities/{id}/name

Update Activity State

Sample Request for Update Activity State

curl -X PUT \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/168816/state \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'
  -d '{
        "state": "deactivated"

Sample Response for Update Activity State

    "id": 168816,
    "state": "deactivated",
    "modifiedAt": "2017-01-01T00:00Z"

Update state for an activity that is referenced by the provided id. Valid values are:
- approved : corresponds to Live in Target UI.
- deactivated : corresponds to Inactive in Target UI.
- saved : corresponds to Inactive in Target UI.

PUT: /{tenant}/target/activities/{id}/state

Update Activity Priority

Sample Request for Update Activity Priotity

curl -X PUT \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/168816/priority \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'
  -d '{
        "priority": "100"

Sample Response for Update Activity Priotity

    "id": 168816,
    "priority": 100,
    "modifiedAt": "2017-01-01T00:00Z"

Change priority for the AB activity that is referenced by the supplied id. Allowed values for priority are 0-999. If you are using low, medium and high in the Target UI, those correspond to 0,5 and 10 respectively. You need to turn granular priority on in the settings page inorder to use the 0-999 scale.

PUT: /{tenant}/target/activities/{id}/priority

Update Activity Schedule

Sample Request for Update Activity Schedule

curl -X PUT \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/168816/schedule \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'
  -d '{
        "startsAt": "2017-05-01T08:00Z",
        "endsAt": "2017-09-01T07:59:59Z"

Sample Response for Update Activity Schedule

    "id": 168816,
    "startsAt": "2017-05-01T08:00Z",
    "endsAt": "2017-09-01T07:59:59Z",
    "modifiedAt": "2017-01-01T00:00Z"

PUT: /{tenant}/target/activities/{id}/schedule

Update the startsAt and endsAt fields of the AB activity referenced by the provided id. The schedule defines the start and end date and time for the activity. You need to pass the startsAt and endsAt values. If successful, it returns a status code 200. startsAt and endsAt support ISO 8601 style date-hour formats.

Get Activity Changelog

Sample Request for Get Activity Changelog

curl -X GET \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/173980/changelog \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Get Activity Changelog

    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 2147483647,
    "total": 23,
    "activityChangelogs": [
            "modifiedAt": "2017-05-11T12:16:13Z",
            "activityParameters": {
                "state": {
                    "previousValue": "approved",
                    "changedValue": "saved"
            "modifiedAt": "2017-04-27T14:57:32Z",
            "activityParameters": {
                "activityName": {
                    "previousValue": "Mobile Webinar  - Micro Soft Permission",
                    "changedValue": "Mobile Webinar  - Soft Permission"
            "modifiedAt": "2017-04-27T14:57:32Z",
            "modifiedOffer": {
                "id": 426963,
                "name": "/master_-_mobile_-abcopy/experiences/1/pages/0/zones/0/1493301097428"
            "modifiedAt": "2017-04-27T14:09:44Z",
            "activityParameters": {
                "state": {
                    "previousValue": "approved",
                    "changedValue": "saved"
            "modifiedAt": "2017-04-27T13:56:03Z",
            "activityLocationOfferChange": {
                "changedValue": {
                    "id": 426963,
                    "name": "/master_-_mobile_-abcopy/experiences/1/pages/0/zones/0/1493301097428"
                "previousValue": {
                    "id": 391902,
                    "name": "10OFF"
                "mbox": {
                    "name": "a1-mobile-ab",
                    "locationLocalId": 0
                "experience": {
                    "name": "Always",
                    "experienceLocalId": 1
            "modifiedAt": "2017-04-27T13:56:03Z",
            "modifiedOffer": {
                "id": 426962,
                "name": "/master_-_mobile_-abcopy/experiences/0/pages/0/zones/0/1493301097401"
            "modifiedAt": "2017-04-27T13:51:38Z",
            "activityParameters": {
                "state": {
                    "changedValue": "saved"

GET /{tenant}/target/activities/{id}/changelog

Returns the changelog for a given activity id.


API methods to Create, Read, Update and Delete Offers. Offers are also referred to as Content.

List Offers

Sample Request for List Offers

curl -X GET \
  '<your-tenant-name>/target/offers?limit=10' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for List Offers

    "total": 1120,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 10,
    "offers": [
            "id": 391769,
            "name": "/l1_a_b_test/experiences/0/pages/0/zones/0/1489440825492",
            "type": "content",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-20T03:03:28Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 391902,
            "name": "10OFF",
            "type": "content",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-19T00:06:47Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 391903,
            "name": "SHIPFREE",
            "type": "content",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-19T00:06:29Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 391904,
            "name": "5OFF",
            "type": "content",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-19T00:06:26Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 391905,
            "name": "/a1_-_l4206a_-_ab/experiences/0/pages/0/zones/0/1489468580249",
            "type": "content",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-06-30T19:48:38Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 391906,
            "name": "/a1_-_l4206a_-_ab/experiences/1/pages/0/zones/0/1489468580252",
            "type": "content",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-06-14T20:24:39Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 391907,
            "name": "/a1_-_l4206a_-_ab/experiences/2/pages/0/zones/0/1489468580255",
            "type": "content",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-04-21T21:34:55Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 391910,
            "name": "/a1_-_l4206a_-_xt/experiences/0/pages/0/zones/0/1489470215324",
            "type": "content",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-19T03:51:21Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 391911,
            "name": "/a1_-_l4206a_-_xt/experiences/1/pages/0/zones/0/1489470215327",
            "type": "content",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-14T05:43:36Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 391919,
            "name": "/a1_-_l4206a_-_xt/experiences/2/pages/0/zones/0/1489474831626",
            "type": "content",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-19T03:51:21Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"

GET /{tenant}/target/offers

Retrieve the list of previously-created content offers. The parameters passed through the query string are optional and are used to indicate the sorting and filtering options.

Parameter Description Example

Defines the number of items to return. Default value is 2147483647.

Returns the first ten offers /target/offers/?limit=10


Defines the first offer to return from the list of total offers. Used in conjunction with limit, you can provide pagination in your application for users to browse through a large set of offers.

Returns the first ten offers

Returns offers between 11-20


Defines the sorting criteria on the returned items. You can add a “-” modifier to sort by descending order.

Returns the first ten offers sorted by ID

Returns the first ten offers sorted in descending order by ID

Returns the first ten offers sorted by ascending IDs and descending names /target/offers/?sortBy=id,-name&limit=10

Get Offer by ID

Sample Request for Get Offer by ID

curl -X GET \<your-tenant-name>/target/offers/content/391902 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Get Offer by ID

    "id": 391902,
    "name": "10OFF",
    "content": "Use 10OFF for $10 off for orders over $100",
    "modifiedAt": "2017-03-19T00:06:47Z",
    "workspace": "1234567"

GET /{tenant}/target/offers/content/{id}

Retrieves the contents of an offer given an offer id.

Create Offer

Sample Request for Create Offer

curl -X POST \<your-tenant-name>/target/offers/content \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'
  -d ' {
     "name": "My new offer",
     "content": "<div>The content of the offer</div>",
         "workspace": "1234567" 

Sample Response for Create Offer

    "id": 438180,
    "name": "My new offer",
    "content": "<div>The content of the offer</div>",
    "modifiedAt": "2017-07-10T20:46:53Z",
    "workspace": "1234567"

POST: /{tenant}/target/offers/content

Creates a new content offer as defined by the request data.

Attribute Type Description
name String A string to identify the Offer. The name cannot be empty. Max length is 250 characters.
content String Content of an Offer shown to user.
workspace String Optional id of workspace to which the activity belongs. Max length is 250 characters. By default, Default workspace is assumed. Applicable for Enterprise Permissions (Target Premium).

Update Offer by ID

Sample Request for Update Offer by ID

curl -X PUT \<your-tenant-name>/target/offers/content/438180 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'
  -d ' {
    "name": "Your existing offer",
    "content": "<div>Updated content</div>"

Sample Response for Update Offer by ID

    "id": 438180,
    "name": "Your existing offer",
    "content": "<div>Updated content</div>",
    "modifiedAt": "2017-07-10T20:55:41Z"

PUT /{tenant}/target/offers/content/{id}

Updates the content offer referenced by the id specified in the URL.

Delete Offer by ID

Sample Request for Delete Offer by ID

curl -X DELETE \<your-tenant-name>/target/offers/content/438180 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Delete Offer by ID

    "id": 438180,
    "name": "Your existing offer",
    "content": "<div>Updated content</div>",
    "modifiedAt": "2017-07-10T20:55:41Z",
    "workspace": "1234567"

DELETE /{tenant}/target/offers/content/{id}

Deletes the content offer referenced by the provided id.


API methods to Create, Read, Update and Delete Audiences.

List Audiences

Sample Request for List Audiences

curl -X GET \
  '<your-tenant-name>/target/audiences/' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for List Audiences

    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 10,
    "total": 289,
    "audiences": [
            "id": 1216090,
            "name": "A1 -  Active account l-1489628809975",
            "description": "--",
            "origin": "target",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-16T01:47:07Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 1216183,
            "name": "A1 - Current Category -1489642111631",
            "description": "--",
            "origin": "target",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-16T05:28:33Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 1216184,
            "name": "A1 - Current category -1489642149723",
            "description": "--",
            "origin": "target",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-16T05:29:11Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 1222658,
            "name": "A1 - Customer Attribute -1489821120208",
            "description": "--",
            "origin": "target",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-18T07:45:41Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 1238132,
            "name": "A1 - L206 - Profile - -1490293696694",
            "description": "--",
            "origin": "target",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-23T18:28:19Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 1238133,
            "name": "A1 - L206 - Profile - -1490293722988",
            "description": "--",
            "origin": "target",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-23T18:28:43Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 1238134,
            "name": "A1 - L206 - Profile - -1490293734000",
            "description": "--",
            "origin": "target",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-23T18:28:55Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 1238135,
            "name": "A1 - L206 - Profile - -1490293749957",
            "description": "--",
            "origin": "target",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-23T18:29:12Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 1235754,
            "name": "A1 - L4206 - Alec - Us-1490221177054",
            "description": "--",
            "origin": "target",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-22T22:19:38Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"
            "id": 1229960,
            "name": "A1 - L4206 - Cart Amou-1490140690240",
            "description": "--",
            "origin": "target",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-03-22T01:40:55Z",
            "workspace": "1234567"

GET: /{tenant}/target/audiences

List all available audiences with options to filter and sort by each available field.

You can use the URL parameters to define pagination properties and sorting order of the list of audiences returned by this method.

Parameter Description Example

Defines the number of items to return. Default value is 2147483647.

Returns the first ten audiences /target/audiences/?limit=10


Defines the first audience to return from the list of total offers. Used in conjunction with limit, you can provide pagination in your application for users to browse through a large set of offers.

Returns the first ten audiences

Returns audiences between 11-20


Defines the sorting criteria on the returned items. You can add a “-” modifier to sort by descending order.

Returns the first ten audiences sorted by ID

Returns the first ten audiences sorted in descending order by ID

Returns the first ten audiences sorted by ascending IDs and descending names /target/audiences/?sortBy=id,-name&limit=10

Some Additonal Examples

GET list of all audiences{tenant}/target/audiences/

GET audiences list with limit{tenant}/target/audiences/?limit=1

GET audiences list with limit and offset{tenant}/target/audiences/?limit=2&offset=2

GET audiences list filtered by multiple values{tenant}/target/audiences/?id=3&id=4&name=ab

GET audiences list filtered by negative values{tenant}/target/audiences/?priority=!4

GET audiences list sorted by multiple criteria{tenant}/target/audiences/?sortBy=name&sortBy=id

GET audiences list filtered by a date range{tenant}/target/audiences/?startsAt=1800-09-01T02:04:00.000-07:00/2114-11-30T14:10:00.000-07:00

Get Audience by ID

Sample Request for Get Audience by ID

curl -X GET \<your-tenant-name>/target/audiences/1397972 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Get Audience by ID

    "id": 1397972,
    "name": "Gold Members in Califo-1495136673062",
    "description": "--",
    "origin": "target",
    "targetRule": {
        "and": [
                "profile": "memberLevel",
                "equals": [
                "geo": "region",
                "matches": [
    "modifiedAt": "2017-05-18T19:44:34Z",
    "workspace": "1234567"

GET: /{tenant}/target/audiences/{id}

Get the audience definition specified by the provided id.

Create Audience

Sample Request for Create Audience

curl -X POST \<your-tenant-name>/target/audiences \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'
  -d '{
    "name": "Homepage visitors from California",
    "description":"Description for my audience",
    "targetRule": {
        "and": [
                "page": "url",
                "geo": "region",
                "matches": [
    "workspace": "1234567"

Sample Request for Create Audience

    "id": 1537195,
    "name": "Homepage visitors from California",
    "description": "Description for my audience",
    "origin": "target",
    "targetRule": {
        "and": [
                "page": "url",
                "equals": [
                "geo": "region",
                "matches": [
    "modifiedAt": "2017-07-10T22:24:04Z",
    "workspace": "1234567"

POST /{tenant}/target/audiences

Create a new audience as specified by the contents of the request and return the newly-created audience definition.

Each audience definition is made up of either target or audience rules.

targetRules and audienceRule cannot be mixed within the same audience definition.

Attribute Type Description
name String A unique name for the audience
description String A description for the audience
targetRule Array An array of rule objects containing logical target statements using operators such as AND, OR, EQUALS, etc.
audienceRule Array

An array of rule objects that refer to pre-built audiences referred by their IDs

workspace String Optional id of workspace to which the activity belongs. Max length is 250 characters. By default, Default workspace is assumed. Applicable for Enterprise Permissions (Target Premium).

Update Audience by ID

Sample Request for Update Audience by ID

curl -X PUT \<your-tenant-name>/target/audiences/1537195 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'
  -d '{
    "name": "Homepage visitors from California",
    "description":"Description for my audience",
    "targetRule": {
        "and": [
                "page": "url",
                "geo": "region",
                "matches": [

Sample Request for Update Audience by ID

    "id": 1537195,
    "name": "Homepage visitors from California",
    "description": "Description for my audience",
    "origin": "target",
    "targetRule": {
        "and": [
                "page": "url",
                "equals": [
                "geo": "region",
                "matches": [
    "modifiedAt": "2017-07-10T22:29:28Z",
    "workspace": "1234567"

PUT /{tenant}/target/audiences/{id}

Update an audience with the new rules specified by the request data.

Delete Audience by ID

Sample Request for Delete Audience by ID

curl -X DELETE \<your-tenant-name>/target/audiences/1537214 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Request for Delete Audience by ID

    "id": 1537214,
    "name": "New Audience",
    "description": "Description for my audience",
    "origin": "target",
    "targetRule": {
        "and": [
                "page": "url",
                "equals": [
                "geo": "region",
                "matches": [
    "modifiedAt": "2017-07-10T22:31:18Z",
    "workspace": "1234567"

DELETE /{tenant}/target/audiences/{id}

Delete the audience referenced by the specified id.


API methods for Properties. Applicable for Enterprise Permissions (Target Premium).

List Properties

Sample Request to retrieve list of all properties

curl -X GET \<your-tenant-name>/target/properties \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Get property

    "total": 2,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 2147483647,
    "properties": [
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Products pagde",
            "description": "This property will be required on all pages under Products section of website",
            "channel": "web",
            "segmentId": 410923,
            "modifiedAt": "2019-02-18T12:26:22.000Z",
            "workspaces": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Products page",
            "description": "This property will be required on all pages under Products section of website",
            "channel": "web",
            "segmentId": 410923,
            "modifiedAt": "2019-02-18T12:25:20.000Z"

GET /{tenant}/target/properties

Retrieve list of all properties.

Get property by ID

Sample Request to retrieve property by property Id

curl -X GET \<your-tenant-name>/target/properties/{id} \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Accept: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Get property by property Id.


    "id": 1,
    "name": "Email property",
    "description": "This is a email type of property",
    "channel": "email",
    "segmentId": 5,
    "workspaces": [

GET /{tenant}/target/properties/{id}

Retrieve property by property Id.


Get AB Performance Report

Sample Request for Get AB Performance Report

curl -X GET \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/ab/166423/report/performance \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Get AB Performance Report

    "reportParameters": {
        "activityId": 166423,
        "environmentId": 8818,
        "conversionMetricLocalIds": [
        "reportInterval": "2017-03-14T05:00Z/2017-07-10T07:00Z"
    "activity": {
        "id": 166423,
        "thirdPartyId": "f79c0aa0-44e4-4766-ab93-1bf11b781f84",
        "type": "ab",
        "state": "approved",
        "name": "Master - Mobile - AB",
        "priority": 999,
        "modifiedAt": "2017-06-30T19:48:38Z",
        "metrics": [
                "name": "Entry",
                "metricLocalId": 0
                "name": "Display mboxes",
                "metricLocalId": 2
                "name": "metric_placeholder",
                "metricLocalId": 32767
        "experiences": [
                "name": "5OFF",
                "experienceLocalId": 0
                "name": "SHIPFREE",
                "experienceLocalId": 2
                "name": "10OFF",
                "experienceLocalId": 1,
                "deletedAt": "2017-06-14T21:02:12.000Z"
    "report": {
        "statistics": {
            "totals": {
                "visitor": {
                    "totals": {
                        "entries": 115,
                        "conversions": 0
                "visit": {
                    "totals": {
                        "entries": 274,
                        "conversions": 0
                "impression": {
                    "totals": {
                        "entries": 328,
                        "conversions": 0
                "landing": {
                    "totals": {
                        "entries": 328,
                        "conversions": 0
            "experiences": [
                    "experienceLocalId": 0,
                    "totals": {
                        "visitor": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 31,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "visit": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 85,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "impression": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 102,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "landing": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 102,
                                "conversions": 0
                    "experienceLocalId": 1,
                    "totals": {
                        "visitor": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 34,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "visit": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 123,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "impression": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 140,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "landing": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 140,
                                "conversions": 0
                    "experienceLocalId": 2,
                    "totals": {
                        "visitor": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 50,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "visit": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 66,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "impression": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 86,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "landing": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 86,
                                "conversions": 0

GET /{tenant}/target/activities/ab/{id}/report/performance

Retrieve the performance report data for the AB activity referenced by the provided id.

Get XT Performance Report

Sample Request for Get XT Performance Report

curl -X GET \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/xt/167169/report/performance \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for Get XT Performance Report

    "reportParameters": {
        "activityId": 167169,
        "environmentId": 8818,
        "conversionMetricLocalIds": [
        "reportInterval": "2017-03-20T16:00Z/2017-07-10T07:00Z"
    "activity": {
        "id": 167169,
        "thirdPartyId": "6116ec53-5a2b-4f5d-9268-41e4c153e494",
        "type": "xt",
        "state": "approved",
        "name": "Master - Serverside - XT",
        "priority": 0,
        "modifiedAt": "2017-06-06T22:00:25Z",
        "metrics": [
                "name": "Entry",
                "metricLocalId": 0
                "name": "Display mboxes",
                "metricLocalId": 2
                "name": "metric_placeholder",
                "metricLocalId": 32767
        "experiences": [
                "name": "USA Experience",
                "experienceLocalId": 0
                "name": "UK Experience",
                "experienceLocalId": 1
                "name": "France Experience",
                "experienceLocalId": 2
                "name": "Australia Experience",
                "experienceLocalId": 3
    "report": {
        "statistics": {
            "totals": {
                "visitor": {
                    "totals": {
                        "entries": 41,
                        "conversions": 0
                "visit": {
                    "totals": {
                        "entries": 52,
                        "conversions": 0
                "impression": {
                    "totals": {
                        "entries": 72,
                        "conversions": 0
                "landing": {
                    "totals": {
                        "entries": 72,
                        "conversions": 0
            "experiences": [
                    "experienceLocalId": 0,
                    "totals": {
                        "visitor": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 11,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "visit": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 16,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "impression": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 27,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "landing": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 27,
                                "conversions": 0
                    "experienceLocalId": 1,
                    "totals": {
                        "visitor": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 9,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "visit": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 11,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "impression": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 13,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "landing": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 13,
                                "conversions": 0
                    "experienceLocalId": 2,
                    "totals": {
                        "visitor": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 9,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "visit": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 12,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "impression": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 17,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "landing": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 17,
                                "conversions": 0
                    "experienceLocalId": 3,
                    "totals": {
                        "visitor": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 12,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "visit": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 13,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "impression": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 15,
                                "conversions": 0
                        "landing": {
                            "totals": {
                                "entries": 15,
                                "conversions": 0

GET /{tenant}/target/activities/xt/{id}/report/performance

Retrieve the performance report data for the Experience activity referenced by the provided id.

Get AP Activity Performance Report

GET /{tenant}/target/activities/abt/{id}/report/performance

Retrieve the performance report data for the Automated Personalization activity referenced by the provided id.

Get Audit Report

Sample Request for AB Audit Report

curl -X GET \<your-tenant-name>/target/activities/ab/167169/orders/performance \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for AB and XT Audit Reports

    "reportParameters": {
        "activityId": 167169,
        "environmentId": 8818,
        "reportInterval": "2017-03-20T16:00Z/2017-08-19T00:01:01.721Z",
        "conversionMetricLocalIds": [
"activity": {
        "id": 167169,
        "thirdPartyId": "6116ec53-5a2b-4f5d-9268-41e4c153e494",
        "type": "xt",
        "state": "approved",
        "name": "Master - Serverside - XT",
        "priority": 0,
        "modifiedAt": "2017-07-31T18:23:44Z",
        "metrics": [
                "name": "Entry",
                "metricLocalId": 0
                "name": "Display mboxes",
                "metricLocalId": 2
                "name": "metric_placeholder",
                "metricLocalId": 32767
        "experiences": [
                "name": "USA Experience",
                "experienceLocalId": 0
                "name": "UK Experience",
                "experienceLocalId": 1
                "name": "France Experience",
                "experienceLocalId": 2
                "name": "Australia Experience",
                "experienceLocalId": 3
    "orders": [
            "time": "2015-12-04T00:00:00.000-05:00",
            "experienceLocalId": 0,
            "id": "order ID 4444",
            "total": 7.4,
            "duplicate": true,
            "outlier": true,
            "productPurchasedIds": ["laptop3", "book3"]
            "time": "2015-12-02T10:03:00.000-05:00",
            "experienceLocalId": 1,
            "id": "order REF ID#123",
            "total": 23.01


Sample Response for AP Audit Reports.

  "orders": [
      "time": "2017-01-11T00:00:00.000-05:00",
      "decisionStackId": 0,
      "id": "1452535235728",
      "total": 325,
      "productIds": [
      "time": "2017-01-11T00:00:00.000-05:00",
      "decisionStackId": 1,
      "id": "1452535342214",
      "total": 325,
      "productIds": [
      "time": "2017-01-11T00:00:00.000-05:00",
      "decisionStackId": 2,
      "id": "1452535371489",
      "total": 429,
      "productIds": [

GET /{tenant}/target/activities/ab/{id}/report/orders

Retrieve the orders/audit report data for an AB, XT or Autotmated Personalization Activity

Mboxes and Environments

APIs to retrive mboxes, mbox paramaters, profile parmeters and environments.

List Mboxes

Sample Request for List Mboxes

curl -X GET \<your-tenant-name>/target/mboxes \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for List Mboxes

    "total": 12,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 5,
    "mboxes": [
            "name": "a1-mobile-aam",
            "status": "active",
            "lastRequestedAt": "2017-07-09T20:41:18.000Z"
            "name": "a1-mobile-ab",
            "status": "active",
            "lastRequestedAt": "2017-07-04T10:22:59.000Z"
            "name": "a1-mobile-mboxparams",
            "status": "active",
            "lastRequestedAt": "2017-07-09T21:13:36.000Z"
            "name": "a1-mobile-profileparams",
            "status": "active",
            "lastRequestedAt": "2017-06-29T17:24:54.000Z"
            "name": "a1-mobile-xt",
            "status": "active",
            "lastRequestedAt": "2017-07-04T10:19:21.000Z"

GET /{tenant}/target/mboxes

List all available mboxes for a specific client with the options to filter and sort.

List Mbox Parameters

Sample Request for List Mbox Parameters

curl -X GET \
  '<your-tenant-name>/target/mbox/a1-mobile-mboxparams?limit=5' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for List Mbox Parameters

    "name": "a1-mobile-mboxparams",
    "mboxParameters": [
            "name": "a.AppID",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.CarrierName",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.CrashEvent",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.DailyEngUserEvent",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.DayOfWeek",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.DaysSinceFirstUse",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.DaysSinceLastUse",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.DeviceName",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.HourOfDay",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.LaunchEvent",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.Launches",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.MonthlyEngUserEvent",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.OSVersion",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.PrevSessionLength",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.Resolution",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.locale",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "a.ltv.amount",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "currentCategory",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "isloggedin",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "mboxAAMB",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "mboxMCGLH",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "mboxMCGVID",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "vst.member_guid.authState",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "vst.mycustomerid.authState",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "page.domain",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "page.param",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "page.protocol",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "page.query",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "page.url",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "page.path",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "page.fragment",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "landing.domain",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "landing.param",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "landing.protocol",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "landing.query",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "landing.url",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "landing.path",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "landing.fragment",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "referrer.domain",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "referrer.param",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "referrer.protocol",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "referrer.query",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "referrer.url",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"
            "name": "referrer.path",
            "parameterType": "MBOX"

GET /{tenant}/target/mbox/{mboxName}

Get the list of mbox parameters.

List Profile Parameters

Sample Request for List Profile Parameters

curl -X GET \<your-tenant-name>/target/profileattributes/mbox \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for List Profile Parameters

    "mboxProfileAttributes": [

GET /{tenant}/target/profileattributes/mbox

Retrieve the list of available profile attributes and mbox parameters of type profile

List Environments

Sample Request for List Environments

curl -X GET \<your-tenant-name>/target/environments \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <your-bearer-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <your-api-token>'

Sample Response for List Environments

    "total": 3,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 2147483647,
    "environments": [
            "id": 8820,
            "name": "Development"
            "id": 8818,
            "name": "Production"
            "id": 8819,
            "name": "Staging"

GET : /{tenant}/target/environments

List all available environments with the options to filter and sort. Use the Environments API to retrieve the environment IDs corresponding to the various host groups set for the client.

Batch Updates

Multiple Admin APIs can be executed as a single batch request.

Execute Calls in Batch

Sample Request Object

  "operations": [
      "operationId": 1,
      "dependsOnOperationIds~": [0],
      "method": "POST",
      "relativeUrl": "/v1/offers",
      "headers~": [
          "name": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "body~": {
        "key": "value"

Sample Response Object

  "results": [
      "operationId": 1,
      "skipped~": false,
      "statusCode~": 200,
      "headers~": [
          "name": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
      "body~": {
        "id": 5

POST /{tenant}/target/batch

Stack multiple API calls together and execute them in a single batch.

Batching allows you to pass instructions for several operations in a single HTTP request. You can also specify dependencies between related operations (described in a section below). TNT will process each of your independent operations (possibly in parallel) and will process your dependent operations sequentially. Once all operations have been completed, a consolidated response will be passed back and the HTTP connection will be closed.

The batch API takes in an array of logical HTTP requests represented as JSON arrays - each request has a method (corresponding to HTTP method GET/PUT/POST/DELETE etc.), a relativeUrl (the portion of the URL after admin/rest/), optional headers array (corresponding to HTTP headers) and an optional body (for POST and PUT requests). The Batch API returns an array of logical HTTP responses represented as JSON arrays - each response has a status code, an optional headers array and an optional body (which is a JSON encoded string). To make batched requests build a JSON object which describes each individual operation to perform. The number of maximum allowed operations are 256 (from 0 to 255).

Specifying dependencies between operations in the request By default, the operations specified in the batch API request are independent - they can be executed in arbitrary order on the server and an error in one operation does not affect execution of other operations.

Often, the operations in the request are dependent - for example, the output of one operation may be used in the input of the next operation. For example offer created in operationId=0 needs to be used in campaign creation operationId=1.

In order to link two batch operations together specify in the dependent operation the id of the required operation, for instance: “dependsOnOperationId” : 5. Also IDs of created resources via POST requests of batch operations can be used in dependent operations both in “relativeUrl” and “body”.

Permissions & Throttling In order to execute batch API actions the underlying user has to have at least “editor” rights (for each individual operation in case additional rights are required than user has then the individual operation will fail). Usual throttling strategies are applied on batch API actions as if every operation has been performed individually.

Batch processing finishes when all operations have been completed, an operation could either be successful (2xx statusCode), failure (4xx, 5xx status code) or skipped because a dependency operation has failed or has been skipped.

Request Object Parameter

Attribute Description Limits Default


body for HTTP batch operation. will be ignored for all actions but POST and PUT. can refer to IDs from previous batch actions, for instance: “offerId”: “{operationIdResponse:0}”, “segmentId”: “{operationIdResponse:1}”
  • should be a valid JSON
  • in case referencing an operationIdResponse, the operationId response referred should be a valid ID and the method on that action should be POST
empty object {}


list of constraint IDs that will assure that current operation will execute only if specified operations have completed successfully. Can be used to achieve chaining of operations.
  • maximum 255 operations are allowed
  • unique values are only allowed
  • should point to a valid operationId in the array
  • cyclical dependencies are not allowed


array of key-value headers to be sent with particular operation. In case authentication for batch API has been performed via Authorization header, it will be copied for individual operations as well.
  • max number of headers in array allowed is 50
Content-Type: application/json


header name
  • should be unique among other header names. headers are case insensitive by rfc, otherwise the values will override each other.


header value
  • -
empty string


HTTP method to use. Available options: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
  • only GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE methods are allowed


operation ID used to identify an operation among other operations for responses and referencing results.
  • unique among other operations
  • values from 0-255


list of operations to perform in a batch. order is not relevant.
  • maximum 256 operations are allowed


relative URL for admin rest API, the part after “/admin/rest/”. Can contain query string parameters like: “/v2/campaigns?limit=10&offset=10”. can refer to URLs with contain IDs from previous batch actions, for instance: “/v1/offers/{operationIdResponse:0}”. In case query parameters are sent they have to be URL encoded.
  • should start with / (be relative)
  • only new valid JSON APIs are supported
  • in case of invalid relativeURL a 404 response for particular operation will be returned
  • in case referencing an operationIdResponse, the operationId response referred should be a valid ID and the method on that action should be POST

Response Object Parameter

Parameter Description


operation ID used to identify an operation among other operations, same ID as it has been sent in POST request.


boolen flag to mark if operation has been executed or skipped. Will be true in case that current operation depends on a operation which has failed (returned a statusCode value different than 2xx).


HTTP status code of operation identified by operationId. In case a different value than 2xx is returned then all depending operations will be skipped (not executed).


array of key-value headers to be sent as a response for particular operation.


header name


header value


body for HTTP batch response operation


Adobe Target creates and maintains a profile for every individual user. This profile is stored on the Target edge cluster and is updated in real time after every visit.

Profiles Postman Collection

Postman is a application that makes it easy to fire API calls. This Postman collection contains all the Profile API calls. Just click on the 'Run in Postman’ button to import the Profile API collection.

Run in Postman

Structure of a Target Profile

Sample Profile Structure

    "client": "<your-tenant-name>",
    "visitorId": "a1-mbox3rdPartyId",
    "modifiedAt": "2017-08-18T17:53:39.003-04:00",
    "profileAttributes": {
        "insurance": {
            "value": "false",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-07-31T20:34:55.625-04:00"
        "country": {
            "value": "france",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-07-31T14:26:30.879-04:00"
        "checking": {
            "value": "true",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-07-31T20:34:55.625-04:00"
        "user.memberlevel": {
            "value": "0.0",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-08-09T18:18:04.661-04:00"
        "param1": {
            "value": "value1",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-08-09T18:18:04.659-04:00"
        "param2": {
            "value": "value2",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-08-09T18:18:04.659-04:00"
        "firstSessionStart": {
            "value": "1500648715286",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-07-21T10:51:55.286-04:00"
        "": {
            "value": "my-entityName",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-08-09T18:18:04.659-04:00"
        "": {
            "value": "my-entityId",
            "modifiedAt": "2017-08-09T18:18:04.659-04:00"

A Target Profile consists of these following objects

Fetching a profile

A Target Profile can be fetched in two ways

Using a tnt id

Target automatically assigns a tntid for every request.

The request format to fetch a profile using a tntid


Replace “” and “your-tnt-id” and fire a GET request. Here is an example profile fetch call using a tntid


Using a thirdPartyId

Target profiles can be augmented with your own identifier (eg: CRM id, uuid, membership number etc). See the profile update section to learn how you can attach a thirdPartyId to your profile.

The request format to fetch a profile using a thirdPartyId


Replace “” and “your-thirdpartyid” and fire a GET request. Here is an example profile fetch call using a thirdpartyid


When this call is made, Target attempts to locate the profile first in the cluster noted in the edge request, or wherever the profile is located and return the content. The profile contents are returned in JSON format.


The Profile API can be secured by turning authentication on from the Target UI as described here. Once authentication is switched ON, all profile API requests must have the profile authentication token set in the request headers. The token itself can be generated using the Target UI or using the steps explained above in the Profile Authentication Token section.


These calls do not count towards your mbox calls.

Error Handling

In the case of a call to /thirdPartyId with an invalid or an expired thirdPartyId specified:

{"status" : 404, "message" : "No profile found for client <client_code> with third party id=<third_party_id>"}

If the profile can not be located or has expired:

{"status" : 404, "message" : "No profile found for client <client_code> with mboxPC=<mbox_pc>"}

Updating Profiles

A user profile contains demographic and behavioral information of a web page visitor, such as age, gender, products purchased, last time of visit, and so on that Target uses to personalize the content it serves to the visitor.

The profile information for each visitor is either stored in cookies or in third-party apps.

If your web page implements the Target code, the profile information from the cookies is passed to Target using profile parameters. Target identifies each visitor uniquely through a pcID that it generates the visitor’s cookies. However, you can pass profile parameters from an external app through mbox calls using mbox3rdPartyIds.

Use the profile APIs when you have profile data about your visitors to send to Target that you either can’t or don’t want to send as part of your page-based integration with Target. This might be data from a CRM or POS that isn’t available on the page, or data of a more sensitive nature that does not make sense to pass on the page.

There are two ways to update profiles via API:

Single Profile Update

The Single Profile Update API allows sending a profile update for a single user and is generally used when an update must occur in relation to a transaction occurring in a channel that has not implemented Target.

The Single Profile Update API is limited to performing 1 million updates in any rolling 24-hour period. Updates generally occur in under 1 hour, but may take as long as 24 hours to be reflected. If you need to send more updates, or require updates to be processed in shorter timeframes, consider sending transactional profile updates via client-side update (preferred), or via the Server-Side Delivery API.

Specify the profile parameters in the format profile.paramName=value. To update the profile for a pcId, use:


To update the profile for an mbox3rdPartyId, use:

shell http://<your-client-code>

The Single Profile Update API is for updates only. If nothing is found, a profile is not created.



A sample response for the above requests looks like this. trueRequest successfully submitted

This response indicates the response has been submitted and will be processed soon.

Bulk Profile Update

The Bulk Profile Update API allows you to update user profiles for multiple visitors to a website in bulk using a batch file.

Using Bulk Profile Update API, you can conveniently send detailed visitor profile data in the form of profile parameters for a bunch of users to Target from any external source, including CRM or POS, which isn’t usually available on a web page.

Version URL Example Features
V1 CLIENTCODE/profile/batchUpdate Support for bulk profile update only
V2 CLIENTCODE/v2/profile/batchUpdate
  • Create profile if not found
  • Per row status update

version 2 (v2) of the Bulk Profile Update API is the current version. However, Target still supports version 1 (v1).


Batch File

To update profile data in bulk, create a batch file. The batch file is a text file with values separated by commas similar to the following sample file.

batch=pcId, param1, param2, param3, param4 123, value1 124, value1,,, value4 125,, value2 126, value1, value2, value3, value4

You reference this file in the POST call to Target servers to process the file. When creating the batch file, bear in mind the following:

HTTP Post Request

Make an HTTP POST request to Target edge servers to process the file. Here is a sample HTTP POST request for the file batch.txt using the curl command:

curl -X POST --data-binary @BATCH.TXT CLIENTCODE/v2/profile/batchUpdate


BATCH.TXT is the filename. CLIENTCODE is the Target client code.

If you don’t know your client code, in the Target UI click Setup > Implementation > Edit Mbox.js Settings. The client code is shown in the Client field.

Inspect the response.

v2 returns a profile-by-profile status and v1 returns only the overall status. The response includes a link to a different URL that has the profile-by-profile success message.

Example Response:

true Batch submitted for processing

In case of an error, the response will contain success=false and a detailed message for the error.

A successful response will look like the following:

demo-1845664501 1436187396849-250353.03_03 success 2403081156529-351655.03_03 success 2403081156529-351656.03_03 success 1436187396849-250351.01_00 success Expected values for the status fields are: