‘White Women’ Prove Claim That ‘No One Wants to Take Your Guns’ is a Lie

U.S.A. — “Hundreds of White women gathered at the Colorado Capitol Monday morning, with more expected to show up throughout the day, to use their ‘privilege’ in a silent sit-in to demand Gov. Jared Polis ban guns and create a gun buyback program,” CNN “reported,” although “publicized” would be a more accurate term. The fact that the demographics of who racks up these daily body counts in Democrat strongholds like Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore was left unstated.

“[W]e are asking Black folks and other marginalized and vulnerable communities to sit this one out and allow the White women and their privileged bodies, their privilege, and their power to show up,” claimed Here4TheKids and protest co-organizer, “Speaking Racism” podcaster and mother Tina Strawn. She’s also an author, CNN notes, but omits the title of her book, “Are We Free Yet? The Black Queer Guide To Divorcing America.”

Gotta make this appear “mainstream” to appeal to those dumb enough to believe that “privilege” and “systemic racism” are the reasons why “Black folks and other marginalized… communities” might be more “vulnerable” than others. After all, “This is CNN.”

So left unexplored is the reality that the “vulnerability” is mostly confined to “a small set of urban areas,” and Democrat-controlled ones at that. Also left unexplored are very real choices—like not taking advantage of “free” K-12 “education in regions where school superintendents are pulling down significant figures while churning out functional illiterates and where out-of-wedlock families are the majority.

The collectivists find it useful to their wealth and power transfer agenda to encourage hostility, entitlement, envy, and the blaming of others for the results of chronic poor decisions. And the gun prohibitionists find it useful to theirs to blame peaceable gun owners for the predictable results.

No one seems to ask – if it’s really the guns – why it is that 5 million NRA members can coexist with them just fine on a day-to-day basis, and why the Annual Meetings drawing 80,000 under one roof aren’t marked by three-day nonstop bloodbaths.

“Enough is enough,” a sign held by one of the useful idiots read, although the demands made by the protestors puts the lie to that: Because what they’re essentially saying is it will never be enough until they have it all, and if there’s one thing history teaches us about totalitarians, getting the guns is just the first step.

And that’s what these stupid, sheltered white women have been swindled into believing they want – an executive order that “includes a total ban on all guns and a comprehensive, mandatory buyback program.” You don’t have to read any more of the proposal after that—you got the crux of it.

Fudds who would throw evil black rifle owners under the bus, take note. Polyphemus may have said he’ll eat you last but eat you he certainly will if you let him.

“This obviously flies in the face of the Constitution—of the Second Amendment,” the Epoch Times noted co-organizer Saira Rao, a former Democratic congressional candidate, admitting to Colorado Public Radio. “We would like to see the 28th Amendment repealing the Second Amendment. So yes, we are not morons. We are very well aware that this is unconstitutional, and this is how change happens.”

That, of course, was the “brainchild” of subversive propagandist Michael Moore, who wants us to believe the Founders intended for the Bill of Rights to dictate what the government would not allow citizens to have. So yes, if Saira and Tina believe that, if they believe such an amendment would pass, and if they believe trying to enforce it wouldn’t result in a civil war when they order Americans to give up their guns and then try to confiscate them, they are morons, as well as genocidal maniacs.

Hell, Democrats Joe Biden and Eric Swalwell are volunteering F-15s and nukes. Against U.S. citizens on American soil. Figure that one out, and then consider what kind of subversive and/or coward wouldn’t resist such monsters.

Still, it would be interesting for Sarai and Tina to flesh out how an entire force of government, with the military and police dwarfed by tens of millions of gun owners, would go about it. Got logistics? Costs? They’re not just morons; they’re insane.

And Saira is one more thing—she’s an ingrate. Her parents immigrated here from India ostensibly to enjoy the freedoms and prosperity that they could not enjoy in their native land, and now, not understanding that freedom is a package deal instead of a menu dictated to you, she’s doing her utmost to erode the keystone right that backs up all the others. Funny, like all doctrinaire leftists, she’s too blindly prejudiced to grasp that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is the most effective power-sharing arrangement ever devised. And she’s hypocritical, to make this an issue of race and privilege, her family having escaped a culture that still brutally discriminates against the Dalit people (particularly “Brown women”), offensively referred to as “untouchables.”

One other point worth mentioning is some of the Hollywood lottery winners the CNN article cited as lending their support to this stupid sit-in:

“The movement has garnered support from the entertainment industry, including from White actresses Amy Schumer, Michaela Watkins, and Lake Bell.”

I confess I’ve never heard of the last two B-Listers, but Amy Schumer is a name most gun owners will recognize for her being a cousin of Senator Chuck Schumer and a gun-grabber shill in her own right. The only reason it’s important to note here is that she has always been presented in the media as a proponent of  “common sense firearms legislation.”

We can now see what they mean by that. Everything else is just incremental erosion toward an end goal, and Republicans take note: “Compromise” on any part of that merely removes an obstacle on their way to that goal. Giving in on anything, whether it’s perceived as significant or not, is a form of aid and comfort to the enemy.

While Gov. Jared Polis is, above all else, a political animal, his tepid response to the proposed EO tells us much:

A spokesperson for Polis said the governor’s staff has met with the organizers of the group and “have expressed concerns that the requests being made are either unconstitutional or require legislative action.”

It’s not that he’s against it and views undermining “the security of a free State” as an act of treason – it’s that the political climate isn’t right – yet.

And the same goes for all the “commonsense gun safety law” groups: Not one of the “Big Three,” Everytown, Giffords, or Brady, has disavowed a total ban as “too much.” Why would they? They want the same thing. It’s just that they’re smarter and sneakier about it. And they wish you uncontrolled radicals spoiling everything by demanding too soon would just shut up and go away.

So, thank you, Tina, Saira, and all your cult followers. By proving “No one is talking about taking your guns” to be the lie that it is for all the world to see, you’ve actually done gun owners a service.

Still to do: The organization of the Here4TheKids campaign, with its slick website, speaks of money and professional ad agency skills behind the effort. A cursory “Who Is” look shows them hiding behind a proxy, and they’re evidently new enough to where they’re not (yet?) listed as a nonprofit on Guidestar to check out tax status and returns. Their donations page does not reveal who donated money goes to and they’re not in the Colorado business database, meaning they’re either registered under a different name or they’re registered in another state.

Chances are, unless Tina and Sarai are independently wealthy, there’s a “man behind the curtain” funding a media-spread attitude change to ban guns. Let’s find out who he is – or they are – and why they’re either oblivious to transparency or hiding. Funny—you’d think with all its resources, CNN would want to know who it is they’re really publicizing.

You’d also think idiot “White women” would want to know who’s pushing their buttons and why before they go charging off doing something stupid.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

David Codrea
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Knute Knute

“they are morons, as well as genocidal maniacs.”
Yup, that pretty much sums up the beltway alright. And I’ve been studying them since the White House was occupied by the peanut farmer.


If it would take f15’s and nukes, then why are they so concerned about the small arms? Do not ever underestimate the power of an armed populace.


they are affraid for their sorry a ss es

Monkey Mouse

The powers that be know they are helpless against a semi organized force with small arms, they just want to act tough – just like the governments in Europe. Meanwhile history has shown even the best militaries were useless against a citizen revolt – Rome comes to mind. Not one state would last an afternoon in an actual conflict with its citizens.


racist much?
nukes wouldn’t work because it would affect everyone in a certain area, unless they didn’t care about collateral damage of their supporters.
f-15’s are not indestructible by small arms, on the ground or in the air. and would they be able to find pilots that would attack American civilians?
i find the sign in bottom middle ironic. it seems like women should be regulated more than guns by this article.

Last edited 11 months ago by gregs

Amen, liberal white women have wrought far more destruction on our society than guns!


“nukes wouldn’t work because it would affect everyone in a certain area, unless they didn’t care about collateral damage of their supporters.

The answer is: They don’t care as long as they achieve their goal. Remember, one of their principles most certainly is: The end justifies the means.

Last edited 10 months ago by lktraz

Who in their right mind would support a government that would use nukes against their own people?


Democrats, but their not actually in their right mind.


but were not their people, there( COMMUNIST)and were not they have no regard for anyone but their Self’s


“If it saves just ONE life”, Oh but if you resist we will kill hundreds of thousands of people by nuking and using F15 strikes on you. Wow, that brilliance from the mouth of our President!!


“You’d also think idiot “White women” would want to know who’s pushing their buttons and why before they go charging off doing something stupid.”

Why would you think that?


Methinks it is a certain Nazi sympathizer.


same idiots as women’s temperance union reason atf exists fbi too


Stupid spans all races, all creeds, and all 64 genders.

“Stupid is as stupid does” — Forrest Gump


Forrest Gump also says
Antis are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’ll get.
OTOH – they are unlike chocolates as they all disagree with me and I like chocolate.


After dinner desert ritual at my house usually consists of a piece of Dove Dark chocolate. Hopefully that doesn’t make me racist.

But they’re probably gonna call me that anyway so nothing lost there.

“You know you can’t please everyone so you got to please yourself ” — Ricky Nelson “Garden Party”


There’s an old saying ; The soap box, the voter’s box, and the cartridge box. The first two aren’t working, but the traitors don’t have anything to worry about, the sheep in this country will just lay down!


jury box


Don’t put too much faith in the Jury Box. Witness Justin Ervin and Matt Hoover!


The only Amendments that need to be repealed are the 17th and 19th. That would give more power back to the states and greatly reduce ’emotional’ voting.


Letting them vote and drive were two really bad ideas.


So now the commies are trying to turn us against ourselves and these very stupid women are falling for it. Time to push back and push back hard.


miss informed mothers drugs, illegal people, diseases soon to be fathom all because whine ass democrats that are UN-AMERICAN and care only about their self’s


“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.”
― Henry Kissinger


I always know the fools are complete idiots ie biden and China swalwell when their f15’s would be out of service in about a day without ground support (that is going to disappear if the shit hits the fan) in a civil war. I can’t imagine how many are going to stick around and do maintenance on any of the war machines when their house and family are in jeopardy.


The ones that live.on base, duh.


They can sit wherever they like, but it doesn’t abrogate my innate rights.


Why is it the emoting lefty loony white wimmins always seem to act in their own worst interests? How have they survived so long doing what’s clearly wrong? They must be receiving some help along the way.


Yeah, daddy…daddy of the husband variety.


I see that the racist ladies with White Savior Complex have made themselves known!




Where da white wimmins at ? We runnin outta samwhices.