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Bid #SJC181942 - SJC Food and Beverage Concession RFP
City of San Jose - Consulting Services, CA
Time left: Bid has ended
Bid started: Jan 04, 2019 12:13:12 PM PST
Bid ended: Bid closed on Mar 14, 2019 2:00:00 PM PDT
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Owner obligee:City of San Jose - Consulting Services, CA
Bid security percent:%
Bid number:SJC181942

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Delivery Locations

City of San Jose - Finance
200 East Santa Clara Street 13th Floor
Attentiion - Joe Gray
San Jose, CA 95113
Quantity 1

Bid #SJC181942 - SJC Food and Beverage Concession RFP

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Bid #SJC181942 - SJC Food and Beverage Concession RFP

Paper Bid
Fee Waived
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Bid #SJC181942 - SJC Food and Beverage Concession RFP

Paper Bid
Fee Waived
Has Addendums

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