Advancing a smarter and greener tomorrow

Nordic Edge Expo 2024

This is two days in Stavanger you won’t want to miss! Join an impact conference at a high international level.

💚 ‘Be the change’ is the main theme of the conference this year. We promise you’ll be inspired, wiser, and guaranteed to meet others like you who want to be part of the solution to create more sustainable and smarter cities.


May 7th: Top international conference at Stavanger Concert Hall
May 8th: Choose from 15+ engaging workshops diving deeper into the conference’s themes.

Are you in shape for innovation?

Are you in shape for innovation?

This was the question headlining our first session in our Accelerating Innovation program – jointly developed and offered by the University of Stavanger and Nordic Edge

Fra utfordringer til muligheter: Bøndene setter klyngen i arbeid!

Fra utfordringer til muligheter: Bøndene setter klyngen i arbeid!

I prosjektet “Fremtidsbonden” har fremoverlente bønder fra regionen delt sine problemstillinger og utfordringer de står overfor i dagens raskt skiftende landskap. Disse problemstillingene legger til rette for omfattende innovasjon og utvikling innen Agritech-klyngen. 

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