School type
Selective public
Class size*
Athletic Conference
Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association
Note: because of the way some colleges report tax data, this page includes data from 0 colleges. A full list is below.
Economic diversity and student outcomes at

Fayetteville State University

Fayetteville, North Carolina

The median family income of a student from Fayetteville State is $33,900, and 5.9% come from the top 20 percent. About 2.4% of students at Fayetteville State came from a poor family but became a rich adult.

A new study, based on millions of anonymous tax records, shows that some colleges are even more economically segregated than previously understood, while others are associated with income mobility.

Below, estimates of how Fayetteville State compares with its peer schools in economic diversity and student outcomes.

AccessWhat kind of students attend Fayetteville State

Among the lowest About typical Among the highest
In the C.I.A.A. In North Carolina Among Selective public colleges
Median family income $33,900
Average income percentile 40th
Share of students from top 0.1% <1%
   ...from top 1% <1%
   ...from top 5% <1%
   ...from top 10% 2.1%
   ...from top 20% 5.9%
   ...from bottom 20% 22%

OutcomesHow Fayetteville State students fare later in life

Among the lowest About typical Among the highest
In the C.I.A.A. In North Carolina Among Selective public colleges
Median individual income at age 34 $28,700
   ...for men $30,000
   ...for women $28,000
Average income percentile 51st
Share who end up in the top 1% <1% the top 5% 1.8% the top 10% 4.8% the top 20% 12% the bottom 20% 12%
Avg. income percentile of a poor student 48th
   ...of a rich student 53rd
Pct. married in 2014 28%

MobilityShare of students at Fayetteville State who ...

Among the lowest About typical Among the highest
In the C.I.A.A. In North Carolina Among Selective public colleges
Moved up two or more income quintiles 30%
Moved from the bottom to top income quintile 2.4%

College by collegeComparing Fayetteville State with its peers

Compare to:

Median parent income

For students born in 1991, approximately the class of 2013, in 2015 dollars.

357th out of 377 Selective public colleges
No data available for Fayetteville State.
Compare to:

Chance a poor student has to become a rich adult

The share of children who were from the bottom fifth of incomes as students and moved to the top fifth as adults.

359th out of 369 Selective public colleges
No data available for Fayetteville State.
Compare to:

Median student income at age 34

Incomes continue to grow, but the relative ranks remain roughly stable after this age.

354th out of 369 Selective public colleges
No data available for Fayetteville State.
Compare to:

Overall mobility index

This measure reflects both access and outcomes, representing the likelihood that a student at Fayetteville State moved up two or more income quintiles.

51st out of 369 Selective public colleges
No data available for Fayetteville State.
Compare to:

Married in 2014

For students born between 1980-82, roughly the college class of 2002.

341st out of 369 Selective public colleges
No data available for Fayetteville State.

Family income vs. student income at age 34

The chart below shows how Fayetteville State and its peer schools are comparing with the remaining schools analyzed in the study. You can click on any point in the chart to navigate to that school.

How access at Fayetteville State has changed

Peer schools are shown in yellow

Students from...
Bottom 60%
Top 20%
Top 10%
Top 1%
The estimates presented here are based on millions of anonymous tax filings and tuition records. These statistics cover only schools that participate in Title IV federal funding, which excludes the military academies and certain other colleges.
Measures of access are for students born in 1991, roughly the class of 2013; measures of outcomes and mobility are for students born between 1980 and 1982, who are around age 35, when relative income ranks stabilizes.
Class size figures represent the number of students in the study who were born in 1991: approximately the class of 2013 or today's 25-year-olds. This measure does not include international students or students who could not be linked to their parents' tax returns.
The athletic conferences listed here are meant to be a helpful way to compare colleges with their peers. They are incomplete for some conferences. Only one conference is displayed for each college.
Source: “Mobility Report Cards: The Role of Colleges in Intergenerational Mobility”, by Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Emmanuel Saez, Nicholas Turner and Danny Yagan, The Equality of Opportunity Project