What does a U.S. Senate candidate have to say to a bunch of Republicans in a closed meeting that cannot be said on the record in front of a newspaper reporter?

The Roundup was made aware in late June of a July 3 meeting Republican U.S. Senate candidate Congresswoman Martha McSally wanted to have with Rim Republicans and members of the board of the Rim Country Regional Chamber of Commerce.

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(2) comments


Excellent, workmanlike article -- just the facts. A rookie mistake on the part of the Repubs & McSally. This article has been picked up on a national feed. They keep shooting themselves in the foot and exposing themselves for who they really are. What is she afraid of? Did she think the press would slink away and not report that they were asked to leave? And to think that the Republicans excoriated Ann Kirkpatrick for leaving a meeting of unruly attendees for her own safety! As McSally said to here congressional colleagues, she needs to grow a pair. The Republicans are now officially the snowflake party.

Mister C

It is simply mind over matter. They do not mind because you do not matter.

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