Meet Bouquet CBD, a New Philly-Based CBD Oil Brand

Bouquet CBD is a new health brand by Philly investor Max Tuttleman.

bouquet cbd

Bouquet CBD is Philly’s new CBD oil brand. Photograph courtesy Max Tuttleman.

Philly investor Max Tuttleman doesn’t know if there’s much of a CBD scene in Philly. But he’s here to make one. You may have heard of Bouquet CBD — his new, Philly-based cannabidiol company — when they teamed up with Little Baby’s to concoct CBD-infused ice cream. Now, Tuttleman is looking to expand into more health-related products to “bring consistent, high quality hemp products to those who need it, at affordable prices,” he says.

CBD is a cannabis compound that doesn’t produce the trippy, psychoactive effect of THC. Instead, it’s marketed as a way to relax and relieve consumers. While Tuttleman has years of experience as an investor with a marked interest in the cannabis and hemp industry, he’s done his research, too. He’s currently a fellow at Thomas Jefferson University, where he studies how cannabis can be used to treat withdrawal symptoms from opiates and alcohol.

He’s committed to keeping Bouquet’s prices comparatively low, he says, and he’s spent nearly two years scouring the globe for the right strain of organically grown cannabis to make his product. For Bouquet CBD, he’s partnered with a group in Colorado that uses a proprietary water-based extraction method. He wants to spread the idea that there’s a science to CBD production: “We’re not just slapping something together because it sells,” he says. “We’re releasing something that has efficacy, and is safe.”

In addition to his collaboration with Little Baby’s, Tuttleman is planning a few more events with local chefs and bartenders. On November 26, he’s hosting a CBD cocktail making class at Cook with Vernick Food & Drink’s beverage manager, JB Bernstein. While this event is sold out — and, bummer, because making CBD cocktails sounds fun — we’ll be keeping an eye out for more culinary adventures with Bouquet CBD on the horizon.

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