Thank you for your interest in becoming a Master Watershed Steward. After 10 successful certification courses and over 180 Master Watershed Stewards trained, we are in the process of innovating our approach to training, and we would appreciate your feedback. 

Question Title

* 1. Master Watershed Stewards are leaders who engage communities to reduce polluted runoff in order to ensure clean water. As a Master Watershed Steward, which type of community would you be interested in working with? Choose all that apply.

Question Title

* 2. The WSA certification course has traditionally been offered as a mix of classroom and field sessions. This year, we are considering some online sessions or self-study on certain topics to minimize the in-person commitment. Please rate your preference for the following types of learning. (Note you can prefer more than one.)

  Strongly Prefer Prefer Do Not Prefer
Self-study (whenever you want and wherever you are): Reading web text or watching videos or webinars on your own and responding to questions related to that material.
Interactive webinars (set time, wherever you are): Web-based, real-time interaction with an instructor and classmates.
In-person classes (set location, set time)