The selection and use of essential in vitro diagnostics - TRS 1031

WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1031, 2021


Report of the third meeting of the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on In Vitro Diagnostics, 2020 (including the third WHO model list of essential in vitro diagnostics)

SAGE IVD advises the Director-General of WHO in the area of in vitro diagnostics (IVDs). With members appointed from a roster of experts, the group provides WHO with technical advice on global policies and strategies related to priority, essential and neglected IVDs.

The group also oversees maintenance of the WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (EDL), which serves as an evidence-based reference point for countries to develop their own national lists to guide how they choose and use IVDs. The EDL recognizes that IVDs are essential for advancing universal health coverage (UHC), addressing health emergencies and promoting healthier populations, which are the three strategic priorities of WHO’s thirteenth general programme of work covering 2019–2023 (GPW13).

WHO Team
Access to Assistive Technology and Medical Devices (ATM), Access to Medicines and Health Products (MHP), Health Product Policy and Standards (HPS), Medical Devices and Diagnostics (MDD), Medicines Selection, IP and Affordability (MIA)
Number of pages
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ISBN: 978 92 4 001910 2