In addition to watching 12 News and making your go-to for local news and weather, the best way to ensure that you are fully in the know on breaking news, severe weather, health and safety concerns, and school and business closings that impact you is to subscribe to our email newsletters and mobile app notifications. Learn more and sign up now, right here!

Sign up: Email Newsletters & Alerts | App Notifications | Closings & Delays 

Email Newsletters & Alerts

We’ve done some housekeeping and freshened up the look and features of our email alerts and newsletters, and here is where you can revisit your preferences to receive the information you want: Breaking News, Weather Alerts, Nesi’s Notes, Good News, and Daily Roundup emails are just some of the newsletters available to keep you in the know.

Please follow the button below to see a complete lineup of email offerings and make your selections. We will never send you emails unrelated to the topics you choose.

App Notifications

Customize Your Notifications: Choose which 12 News topics you want to be alerted about »

We have a new and improved WPRI 12 News mobile app that allows you to choose which topics you want to be notified about. Our Pinpoint Weather 12 app is also customizable and can be set to follow users geographically, so you’ll receive weather alerts relevant to where you are or where your home location is set. With WPRI 12 mobile apps, you can be in the know, but choose to focus and limit your alerts to what you care about.

App Notifications // WPRI 12 News & Pinpoint Weather app notifications and alerts — the best way to be in the know. Learn More »

Closings & Delays

Select any or all of the schools, daycare, businesses, health services, municipal parking bans, and special notices for which you’d like to receive alerts.

If you are a school, business, or organization and want to be listed in the Pinpoint Closing Network, powered by Rhode Island Broadcasters Association: Register Here »