[MS-SMB2]: Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol Versions 2 and 3

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Errata below are for Protocol Document Version V67.0 – 2023/02/27.

Errata Published*



In section, "Receiving an SMB2 Negotiate Response," revised the processing rule for the SecurityMode field to indicate that it is part of the Negotiate Response rather than the SMB2 header.

Changed from:

If the SecurityMode field in the SMB2 header of the response has the SMB2_NEGOTIATE_SIGNING_REQUIRED bit set, the client MUST set Connection.RequireSigning to TRUE.

Changed to:

If the SecurityMode field in the Negotiate Response has the SMB2_NEGOTIATE_SIGNING_REQUIRED bit set, the client MUST set Connection.RequireSigning to TRUE.


In section 2.2.14, "SMB2 CREATE Response," added a condition for using the SMB2_CREATE_FLAG_REPARSEPOINT in the Flags field:

Changed from:





When set, indicates the last portion of the file path is a reparse point.

Changed to:





When set, indicates the last portion of the file path is a reparse point. This MUST be used when the last component of a file opened is a reparse point, and the create request Create Options do not contain FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT.

In section, "Receiving an SMB2 CREATE Request," added a condition for creating a reparse point when Open.Local is a reparse point but there is no FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT value in the Create Options:

Changed from:

If Connection.Dialect belongs to the SMB 3.x dialect family and Open.LocalOpen is a reparse point, set the SMB2_CREATE_FLAG_REPARSEPOINT bit in the Flags field.

Changed to:

If Connection.Dialect belongs to the SMB 3.x dialect family and Open.LocalOpen is a reparse point, and the create request Create Options do not contain FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT, set the SMB2_CREATE_FLAG_REPARSEPOINT bit in the Flags field.

*Date format: YYYY/MM/DD