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Brenda Wale

If you're looking for something a bit different, check out a ponytail plant. They grow slowly but can reach over 8 feet tall. They're easy to care for, look great, and they're more prized in Europe than America, so you'll have something unique.

The other one I like is a Hoya plant. If you can put it in a cool North window, it will produce very showy white flowers in the winter.

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Jonny Quest

Brenda Wale, my mom grew a ponytail plant more than 30 years ago. I’ve not seen them for sale in the nurseries available to me since then. So I guess they are indeed hard to find.

I also loved piggyback plants ( Tolmiea menziesii) and prayer plants (Maranta leuconeura). Not statement plants but very beautiful just the same.

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Barbara Dunstan

I love indoor plants and I have over 70 now although I still don't think I have allot in any one room, perhaps the bathroom I have about 16 albeit small plants.

I love to have different plants too rather than allot of one species so it has proven to be harder and harder to find something new but now I have two ponytail palms in my home and they are doing great. I also have one outside and it was about the size of an apple when I first planted it in 2004 and now it's about the sise of a car tyre and whilst it's cold enough in winter, we don't have snow, frost at best and it handles that temp without any issues I'm in southern Australia for reference.

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